Dottie Riley


Dottie Riley
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Arts & Culture > Do Dogs Know Right from Wrong?

Do Dogs Know Right from Wrong?

Do dogs truly know right from wrong or do we personify and humanize them? They definitely know! I left the room and Megan immediately jumped up on the table and started to eat my pasta salad. As soon as I re-entered the room, she jumped down and headed in the other room, but I was able to catch her in the act with my camera. Bad dog!

It would appear that dogs know more about right or wrong than people do. More and hear I hear about people having relationships with married men/women and they see nothing wrong with it. Too often they are downright proud of it and brag that it is because they are more desirable than the spouse. Consequences? None, really. Adultery has been decriminalized and the only legal remedy is in the family courts. The married partners suffer. Their children suffer and the 'suffering' is emotional, financial and forever. The "other person"? No consequences at all. No conscience either. What ever happened to morality and conscience?

posted on May 29, 2012 11:01 AM ()


oh yes they do. our dog Tanya would lie on the bed/couch/chair...anywhere she was forbidden while we were away. when she heard us return she would jump down to the floor and feign innocence. the pile of dog hair in her shape and the warm spot gave her away, though.

yer finally caught on pal
comment by honeybugg on May 31, 2012 9:17 AM ()
Rex even though he is tall never tries to take food from the table or counter
tops, however he will dig holes in the yard anytime it is cool enough for
the exertion. He knows this is wrong but it is such a pleasure. In fact, I
filled his holes with top soil and planted squash in them.
comment by elderjane on May 31, 2012 4:52 AM ()
I don't think our cat Buddy cared about right or wrong, if we caught him on the counter he would not scurry to get off. Dogs are more sensitive to what their people think. As for relationships, our society is in an 'it's all about me' phase, so it's a matter of seize the moment and have a good time right now, never mind the consequences. Look at our television programs - the sitcoms are all about premarital and extra-marital sex, with a laugh track to reassure us how funny it all is. That is what our children are growing up with, and what adults immerse themselves in; no wonder there is no sensitivity.
comment by troutbend on May 30, 2012 9:33 PM ()
When you have pets, you have to take the good with the bad. They can be frustrating! Is everything else in your life okay? You've been quiet lately.
comment by solitaire on May 30, 2012 6:18 PM ()
Dogs and cats do know right from wrong. They also know if you make great salads or not. LOL
comment by jondude on May 30, 2012 5:39 AM ()
Yes, that one had spinach, artichokes and olives in it.
reply by dragonflyby on May 30, 2012 10:29 AM ()
I definitely do think that dogs know the differentce, but they are willing to risk getting away with something when they can. Our two definitely are willing to do it.

Great pic!
comment by trekbrarian on May 29, 2012 1:10 PM ()
Yes, especially cute little dogs. I love the "bad dog" videos on America's Funniest Home Videos.
reply by dragonflyby on May 30, 2012 10:30 AM ()
wow!that is a cute dog or bad do whatever you want to call it
Buffy does this at times.If I put food close to the edge of the table and yup,if I am not looking gulp he goes.No sense in yelling at him as he cannot hear me.Did not realized that you had a dog ,What kind is it?tell us more
I loved the picture.
What about Megan?maybe a nice story came come out of this?
comment by fredo on May 29, 2012 11:17 AM ()
Yes, I have two shih tzus- a black and whit girl named Megan and a gold (or tan) and white boy named Erin.
reply by dragonflyby on May 30, 2012 10:32 AM ()

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