Friday I attended a wedding. A fellow Auxiliary member got married. He was one of our youngest members who joined us when he was only 19. One of his groomsmen is active duty CG but has maintained his membership in the Auxiliary. This photo is of the groom, Zach, front left (? the guy with the hat), and the flotilla members who were at the wedding. I am in the center behind the other two women. The wedding was at the Hyatt in Clearwater on a balcony facing the beach. Afterwards, there was an open bar for several hours, a nice dinner, music, dancing... It was a lot of fun. Zach mentioned how much the wedding cost, and frankly, it was enough for a down payment on a house. Think I would have opted for the house.
My sister and I just had a conversation about how crazy some parents are spending hundreds of dollars on children's birthday parties. They are held at kid-friendly restaurants or if in the home, they hire clowns and other entertainment or rent those air-filled bouncy things that kids play in (don't know what they are called). What happened to just ice cream and cake? My sister decided to have her two-year old's party at her house and invited her two and four year-old daughter's friends. (Ordinary party- no entertainment. Just ice cream and cake and some planned games.) Very few children attended, but the ones who did come had a great time, and Linda got to know a few of the mothers.
I received a card from my son for Mother's Day that I can't figure out. It is a religious card with a bible verse in it and everything. It is weird because he is not the least bit Christian. Was that the last card in the store? No gift; just a religious card. Oh well, at least he remembered to send a card. He did not even do that much for my birthday. I'm glad I have friends.
To all of the Mothers out there---Happy Mother's Day!