Draco Draconus


Draco Draconus
Lincoln City, OR
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Oregon Coast Rantings

Oregon Coast Rantings > Draco's Comments

Draco's Comments

I don't have your last name or else I would FB request you. My real name is Eric Williams from Lincoln City. I have friends that came from Klamath County. One grew up in Merril. His mom owns the Wild Goose Lodge. Another was used to work for Klamath County Sheriff.
Comment on Friends Forever - Mar 29, 2011 7:37 AM ()
Actually it's the Indians(the ones with the dot and not feathers)that run the "stop and robs." At least the ones I've been to.
Comment on Kristilyn3 Comment - Jan 10, 2009 1:40 PM ()
Jack Bauer rocks. 24 is an awesome show. I can't wait until the season premiere. They have to get Fox up in Canada.
Comment on Kiefer Sutherland - Jan 9, 2009 10:46 AM ()
A post titled "January 8, 2009" and no mention of Elvis. I like thoughts of warmer weather but the title was deceiving.
Comment on January 8, 2009 - Jan 9, 2009 5:45 AM ()
First of all, for the record, I believe in equality of all races. I think it's discrimination that there are colleges specifically "blacks only." I thought we desegregated all schools over forty years ago. Blacks would start complaining about all white schools. I thought that affirmative action was started so we didn't have a "minority status." I'm sorry that Africans were enslaved over 500 years ago by white Europeans. I'm sorry that it took the Emancipation Proclamation to give you your freedom. I'm sorry that it took another hundred years to stop treating you like subhumans. Yes there are some of us "crackers" that want America to be whites only. On the other end there are blacks that want to kill the white man and f*ck their women. I'm not against race mixing. In this day and age there are more bi-racial children in America than forty years ago. I'm just making a point. The Jews were enslaved thousands of years ago and have never stopped being persecuted. Hell, Adolf Hitler tried to exterminate them. They never say Whitey is bringing the Hebrew man down. They live their lives. You hate the word "n!gger" yet you refer to each other by that word. Whites don't complain when blacks call us "honky", "cracker",or "pecker wood". We have a black president now. I voted for him because he promises to fix this country not because of his race. If he does a good job I'll vote for him again. We aren't so bad as a race. I hope this comment was interesting, Gary. BTW...nice. Over five hours since Roxi got naked and you had to "keep her warm."
Comment on Blacks in Amreica - Jan 9, 2009 5:43 AM ()
I wish I could be a witness on your behalf. You are an awesome dude and don't deserve jail time for falling on hard times.
Comment on Not Sure Where to Work - Jan 8, 2009 9:21 PM ()
So you are the t!tty expert. I'm the t!tty master. Great interview. Let me know if he wants to talk to the master.
Comment on Bob Wacksalot - Jan 7, 2009 4:09 AM ()
Whoa. My poochies can puke but Kraymer wins.
Comment on Waaaaay Too Early to Be Surrounded in Puke! - Jan 6, 2009 4:39 AM ()
Sorry about LOTR 2.
Comment on They Arrived - Jan 6, 2009 4:17 AM ()
T!tties and beer: Two great things that go great together.
Comment on So You Wanna See Her Titties?? - Jan 5, 2009 6:31 AM ()
Smoking a sin? Only if it causes harm to others. What I mean is if you smoke inside either a car or a home where small children are present. Their small lungs can't take the second-hand smoke. I feel it should be considered abuse for parents and grandparents to smoke around youngsters. My opinion is smoke all you want, just don't blow it in my face.
Comment on Smoking - Jan 5, 2009 6:28 AM ()
I guess I'm the rebel because I'm more on the agnostic level. I believe that there is some higher power but I don't know if I'm ready to call this power "God". I'm more science based in my beliefs(eg: lightning is caused by the clashing of hot and cold air instead of the almighty god)but I don't believe in the mindfreak teachings of L. Ron Hubbard aka Scientology. You mentioned Muslims. The religion preaches peace yet they have been at war with other religions for thousands of years claiming they are right, especially with Jews(who, by the way, practice some of the same laws like no consuming of pork and fasting.)I know you'll probably hate me for saying this but I feel the bible is a great work of fiction and until proven otherwise. Stick to your beliefs and I'll stick to mine.
Comment on Choose Your Religion! - Jan 5, 2009 6:21 AM ()
Oregon has some great wines too. Heck we have more vineyards now than they do in Napa Valley in California. Personal recommendations are Willamette Valley and Chateau Bianca.
Comment on Warm Evening - Jan 5, 2009 6:07 AM ()
Chance sounds like my fifteen year old niece. My mom(aka her Grandma) bought her a new cell phone and is paying her bill as a Christmas gift which includes unlimited texting. The phone is suppose to be put away until her grades improve but Mom is not doing it and my sis(aka her mom)isn't either. She's a sophomore in High School, where it counts, and will definitely have to take classes over. I think that if a kid doesn't do homework, take away the cell phones, I Pods, video games, etc. Maybe that's why I don't have kids. They would hate me.
Comment on Homework Wars - Jan 5, 2009 6:03 AM ()
Is the recipe the Colonel's secret?Just kidding. I may try it. PD and I love breaded chicken.
Comment on Off to Work I Go! - Jan 5, 2009 5:54 AM ()

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