Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Choose Your Religion!

Choose Your Religion!

Choose your religion!

Hell, religion has more flavors then "Breyer" has IceCream..

So how do "we as people" choose our religion? It's difficult, because most choose not because they are "convinced" it's right, they have friends, family, it's in the area they live. They become a "Muslem" because everyone else in the circle is "Muslem". They become "Catholic" because everyone else in their circle is "Catholic".. and they "accept it as FACT", and never seek for themselves.

I am Christian.. a non-conventional one. But I still feel I am Christian. I studied the Bible intense for 8 years (now I just read). I studied prophecy, I wrote a well known Biblical program. I can't say I know everything. Nobody does. I can say, I studied "religion" (and all religion) for many years. I am confident of what I believe.. and have no problem saying it..

So, if anyone of any particular religion wants to "debate with me" I am open. Debates are pretty cool, and I am pretty good with facts. Now being a "Christian" to me is more a "spiritual" thing. It's more of a personal relationship with God (AKA Jesus Christ).

I can say... if your "religion" happens to be one that "doesn't allow free will". That "doesn't allow equal rights", or doesn't defend anyone who doesn't have equal rights.. I'll be a bit harsher on you!

Jesus! (Who is my God).. wanted all good between people. Yes he was a rebel.. but a good one. He wanted to show the world how to "love".. sadly.. to this day even the most devout miss it.

CHOOSE YOUR RELIGION! But choose wisely... Better yet, read everything.. seek everything yourself. If you get to a point.. that you know what all think.. then "choose your religion".. Because if you seek it.. you will find it's all about LOVE!

Gary :)

posted on Jan 2, 2009 7:17 PM ()


I guess I'm the rebel because I'm more on the agnostic level. I believe that there is some higher power but I don't know if I'm ready to call this power "God". I'm more science based in my beliefs(eg: lightning is caused by the clashing of hot and cold air instead of the almighty god)but I don't believe in the mindfreak teachings of L. Ron Hubbard aka Scientology. You mentioned Muslims. The religion preaches peace yet they have been at war with other religions for thousands of years claiming they are right, especially with Jews(who, by the way, practice some of the same laws like no consuming of pork and fasting.)I know you'll probably hate me for saying this but I feel the bible is a great work of fiction and until proven otherwise. Stick to your beliefs and I'll stick to mine.
comment by draco on Jan 5, 2009 6:21 AM ()
I'm a Messianic, talk about a minority. I still celebrate all the feasts and shabbat on Friday night, but we believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah. I don't believe in "organized" religion, trust me. We're about the family and helping anyone we can along the way. Love what you had to say!
comment by teacherwoman on Jan 3, 2009 5:07 PM ()
When anyone brings up "Christian religion", I am always reminded of a saying by Mahatma Gandhi:"I so very much respect and admire your Jesus Christ - but, I so dislike most Christians because they are so unlike Jesus Christ!"
comment by oldfatguy on Jan 3, 2009 3:07 PM ()
Well very interesting! I'm Christian was brought up non denomination, then was around a lot of Mormons Married a Mormon, So now not sure what i believe any more.
comment by carrryon on Jan 2, 2009 9:51 PM ()

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