Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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Life & Events > Suck My Dick Eddie!

Suck My Dick Eddie!

Humm, probably shouldn't put it that way.. since Eddie actually owns this site. I'll rephrase.. "Eddie, I disagree" with your thoughts on "healthcare".. and if you disagree.. take one lick on my left ball.. lol.

You know I am kidding, but I just came back after spending most of my time on facebook. First article I read was his on healthcare.

Now, he does have valid points. I am certain he is paying alot for healthcare. I know many that get it free and do drugs all day. I feel I am in the middle. I work, I pay taxes. I cannot afford healthcare, and I am too stupid to stop work and get all free. So basically I work constant, and can't afford to see a doctor.

Why can't there be something for people like me? Maybe something income based. There are "millions" like me, and if you really get to who is "not insured".. it's mostly people like me. People trying, with no real way to do it.

Personally, I would like to see something like this. If you have a private insurer.. stay with it. If you don't, based on income you must put into an insurance pool. I mean, if you have insurance it won't affect you (can verify with your tax return). But everything is based on income.

It is completely asinine that 50 million in the US can't see a doctor. And the thing is,, most of them ARE working, are trying. Those fucks that don't give a chit got insurance.. Sure got better teeth then me.. eat better too. I have NEVER in my life took a government handout.. and I never will. But I welcome any plan that can make me "pay in" (income based).. and give me something. in return.

As a small business owner. I already pay "double" the tax rate of someone working a "real job". Because I pay both my part, and the employer part. So I not only have no "food stamps", no "free housing", I get a $3000 tax bill every single year. Hell, I support 5 kids... went to jail because got behind a few years ago. Almost went again last week.. but avoided it by paying $1000..

If anyone doesn't think we need HEALTHCARE reform.. Suck my dick too!! I realize it needs working on.. but atleast Obama is working towards it.

posted on Feb 6, 2010 7:19 AM ()

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