Most of you probably think I am a "Drunk" that sits on the computer all day and plays video games. You would be "right" with that assumption. However, I am a little more then that.
I am also an extremely advanced computer programmer. I Have wrote programs 25 years. I am fluent in 10 advanced computer languages (semi-fluent in a dozen more). The pics above are from a program I am writing. Soon to be the most advanced "Webbrowser/page editor" ever made. I named it "Jakobb" remember that,, someday you will hear of it. I expect to release it to public in a year (maybe two). I won't release till everything is PERFECT!
I can say,, benchmark tests show it is by far the "fastest" browser around. I can say, this new "Windows Snap", isn't close to what mine can do. With mine (already) you can watch 32 simultaneous video feeds at once. One button click to determine which plays sound.
Snap... Fuck you Windows. mine can vertical, cascade, horizontal or SNAP anyway you want with a single button click. Faster then you can blink. (True)
As far as a web creation program. Has full CSS, Full HTML, full XTHML complient.
Backward compatible. Means.. The chit Windows 7 claims is new.. mine will do the same on any operating system. Windows 98-Windows 7.
Full Ascii support, java,, really alot. I could release it today... and would be the strongest browser around. I am gonna wait. I want all perfect. Check the progress page:https://handcutcoins.net/jakobbhome/index.html
Time for this drunk to sign off,, remember the name "Jakobb".. when you see it on the net, can say "Hey, I know the dude who made it".. lol.