Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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I signed up awhile ago for this "1TVPC.COM" site. It's a site that is "supposed" to let you watch thousands of TV channels free for life with a paid membership.

Ok, I paid for the thing. I am mainly writing to say, "Don't waste your money with this site"!!! First of all, yes, 3000 channels or whatever. But most are "Turkish" or some other country. Something you won't watch anyway. The American ones, are all slow. Mostly broken feeds, and all stream in super slow with a DSL connection. Also, many they promote are free, you have to pay additional fee's to watch.

Ok... even with that, I had a few I liked to watch. But suddenly I lost my password. I am supposed to have a lifetime membership. I had all my other info, and wrote them. Months went by.. got no reply from them. I wrote a second time. Months went by.. and got a reply. They won't honor my membership, and send me a new password.

This is what really upset me! I can understand getting "booted" from something when I said or did something wrong. But here I didn't. There are no comment sections on the site, and the first 2 letters I wrote were very nice actually. Well, you know me.. my third letter definitely wasn't nice!! I think the whole thing is basically a scam for the most part.

Well, my last letter.. I used every 4 letter word I know (and I know them all.. lol). I am going to do everything I can to keep people away from this service. I won't be writing a virus.. but if they don't resend my password, I will do everything in my power to let people know what they are really about.

I promise this one. When people search them on Google (or any other search engine), There will be negative sites shown right next to their listings. No lies.. just the honest truth about their business in General. I'll probably even send out some mass e-mails. Maybe it will have an impact.

I don't know. Am I wrong on this? Usually when I pay for a lifetime membership... I expect to get what I paid for. I had enough info to "prove" I have paid for it. They just wrote me.. contact the original vendor for a refund. Jeez, I got it like 2 years ago off eBay. Think I am gonna remember that? I figured.. once I paid. Signed up and were in their system.. I was now dealing with them (See: they get many vendors on eBay to sell their memberships). I don't even want a refund.. not what I was asking for. I am willing to forgive all the "mis-representations" on their part. I had a few things I liked to watch on there. But to not re-send my password makes no sense to me.

I did tell them, "I'm not a kiddie, and will do everything I can to hurt their business". I even alluded to the fact I am a programmer. I have no intention of doing anything "illegal" like sending a virus (They can take it however they want). They could sue me I guess, would get them nowhere. Because I will be writing nothing that I can't factually back up. I'll just use my voice, to warn their potential customers to avoid them. Even if they sued, I'd just use it as "exposure". Plus.. in the slight case they won some civil thing. I learned long ago. "Squeezing blood from a turnip" is hard. They would be wasting their time.

Anyway, you can either "believe" what I write, or not. I am just saying. I try to be as truthful as I can. And if you pay for a lifetime membership here (1tvpc).. you will likely not be happy.

I don't even know if anyone will read this post. I hope you do. Been so long since I have written. I do plan to be here more in the future.

Take care all, Gary :)

posted on Mar 20, 2010 5:43 PM ()


I have had a membership to 1tvpc for over a year now. They did the auto withdrawel thing to renew me for another year which I did not want.. Since the very beginning this web site has had nothing but problems and the majority of channels do not work.. Recently I tried to get discovery, nat geo, fox news, cnn news, history, etc... and not one of them worked.. I complained about this and whoever at 1tvpc blocked my log in and will not send a new log on.. They also will not refund my mbrship fee. Isn't this FRAUD?????
comment by mountainwinterg on Feb 17, 2011 11:41 AM ()
This is so true. The same thing just happened to me. They state it is a lifetime membership & now they say you must pay every 6 months. I will now copy & paste the smart attitude message they wrote me to just show people how they SCAM people. Now here is the proof people see for yourself... PLEASE Read their nasty email they sent me below... reply email...
Yes you will have to pay again. The membership fee is one-time fee per every
six months. The price is already very low. For 24.99 USD you get many
channels, movies and tv shows. If you expect a lifetime acccount, sorry we
can't afford it.

But you don't have to sign up again as we won't accept your sign up anymore.
We don't like to talke to specialist if you really want to, we are ready.

Best Regards,

The Team
----- Original Message -----
From: "The Spencer's"
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: 1TVPC User Area - - Here is your account information
Original Message sent to them...

> Are you telling me I have to pay again? If so, it plainly states "
> ONE-TIME REGULAR MEMBERSHIP FEE * Please tell me you are not saying I
> have to pay again.
comment by thatandthis7241 on Sept 11, 2010 4:43 PM ()

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