Hef's new (twins) and other girlfriendHef's past 3 gi" />

Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > The Legend Lives On!

The Legend Lives On!

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Hef's new (twins) and other girlfriend

Hef's past 3 girlfriends

Hugh Hefner has been an "icon" of mine all my life (well since about 13, when I stole grandpa's Playboy mags).

From that time on.. I said "I want to be like him"! He was/is rich, owned his own mansion, and basically had every "hot babe" on the planet drooling at his feet. Most every babe there is, will get naked for him. Heck, I've even personally masterbated to "thousands" of pictures of his ex girlfriends.. and to think.. he actually had them in his bed! This man, is incredible!!

My last post mentioned.. a sad thought. Heffner's Three girlfriends left him.. all at once even. I watched a "You tube" video, and he really sounded "sincere" and hurt over this thing. It almost had me in tears. What a "Legend"!! That man can even get me crying, cause he lost 3 Playmate models.. and here I can't even get "One"!!! I am crying over his "misfortune.. when in reality, he still has it good.

It's just that.. young boys need something to believe in. And Hef is one to believe in. How many of your neerdy friends, with thick glasses, or bald heads.. kids and adult men of any age want to feel they can get a "hot babe" like Hef does... If we think he is "failing".. we ALL fail!! That's why it's always important "Hef" has some hot looking Pussy.. and not be crying over a few he lost...

So my depression got deeper. But I started thinking about this. I know how Hef is. I doubt they even dumpted him. I bet he set this up, so they would still look "good to us", and "Trade the old" for the new. It all started to make sense. You and I wait before we "trade" our old cars, for a new model. That's because we are "poor". Hef has the new models all over the LOT. He can pick and choose really. Now that I understand his "Agenda" more.. he is a "bigger hero" to me even. He won't talk bad about them, they won't about him. How many of you had a "breakup" like that?!!

The Legend lives on!!

Gary :)

posted on Jan 2, 2009 4:19 PM ()


Those twins have NO breasts!!!!
comment by sybilmariee on Jan 2, 2009 4:36 PM ()

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