Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Depressing News

Depressing News

I'm not sure if you heard this "bad news" yet. It seems, All of "Hugh Heffner's" girlfriends left at once!

Really, it was one behind the other. Kendra, that wild wacky 19 something hottie was "first".. then it was "Holly" (His number one babe) and finally "the other one" (yea, she never really was in the limelight.. that's why she stayed longest". Bridgett I think was her name). Yep, they are all gone....

In a very "depressing interview" Hugh Heffner explains how hurt he is. He said, he really "loved" Holly, and doesn't know why this happened. Outside sources say it could be either the fact he wanted to add a few "twin" playmates to the mix, or even he now has "erectile" dysfunction. I am not sure, but I sure don't want to think of Hef with "erectile" problems.. he is my "HERO" afterall....

Dammit!!! I seen the interview of "Hef" on Youtube! I was in tears how much this hurt him. I was however relieved, that he now has a "Ukraine" hottie as a girlfriend (to me, those are the hottest on the planet). Plus he admitted he is now with the "twins".. and plans "bigger things". When asked about "swinging, if he would continue" he pretty much said "yes I will".. So I dried up my tears, and thought.. "Yes.. this breakup will take Hugh awhile to get over (as he said).. I am just happy he can move on...

I decided to watch "youtube".. to see how the girls think. I mean honestly, they may lose alot of money over this thing. Holly, she went to "Chris Angel".. he's a poor ass fluck (by Hugh's standards.. not ours) so she is losing a dumpload of cash. But I guess she thinks, the media, the attention.. she's gonna do well. I think it sucks.. POOR Hugh.. he put up with the blonde bitch.. financed her like "everything" (what was she before Hugh?). Then she leaves him for the first hottest rich magician around. Kendra, she always liked sports.. she went to some "football star".. Trust me, if she didn't do "Hugh first", she wouldn't be screwing football stars. She is HOT, no dude can deny that.. but she wouldn't have the exposure if not for "Hef".

Basically, all the girls decided.. Hugh.. your a little too old for us. We loved the money you gave us, we loved the exposure.. but actually the "sex" wasn't what you thought it was. Yes, you were romantic... but in a "nice shrivled" way.. the money actually made us "orgasm".. not you really.

So they moved on... they are now rich, screwing young "Hunks". Poor Hugh, he is left to only 3 new playmates to train.... Life just isn't fair...

POOR HUGH!!! I know you can get through this!!!!!!

gary :)

posted on Jan 1, 2009 5:24 PM ()


Poor Hugh! He has it s-o-o rough.
comment by redimpala on Jan 2, 2009 10:14 AM ()
Looks like they hung around until the prescription of Viagra ran out, huh??? Either that, or Hugh closed his wallet.
comment by hayduke on Jan 2, 2009 9:32 AM ()
as if...
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 2, 2009 6:56 AM ()
If Hef didn't have the Playboy empire he wouldn't get all that poonanay. What young hottie would go for an octogenarian without him being loaded? That is the burning question.
comment by draco on Jan 2, 2009 6:42 AM ()

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