Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Smoking


Is "Smoking" Sin? Can you find a "single" passage in the Bible that says it is?

No, you can't.. that one I'd bet my left nut on.

What most churches miss is, there is nothing "that Jesus" said against it.

However, without giving actual "scripture here" (and I will if needed) Jesus never said that was bad. Jesus wanted us as humans to think of right and wrong. Take care of our bodies, and eachother.

To (for) me, Smoking is "Sin"! God laid on my heart (long ago) it was wrong to me. That doesn't mean it's wrong to you. If you can have a few smokes "and not be addicted", or even some beers.. it's basically up to your heart to determine what is right or wrong. God will lay on you, what is right or wrong for you. Guide you even.

Smoking is not a SIN, it's only a sin if you feel in your own heart it is. To me, it is a sin.. and bad for me. I have quit lots of times, and don't smoke now. But I mess up, I have one now and then. What you really need to determine, is if it's "ok" for you to have a smoke or not.

This actually goes into the very "Deep" Biblical stuff. Myself, I know it's wrong for me.. but I can't say if wrong to anyone else because I don't know them or the situation. If "Jesus" says to your heart "you need to quit".. try. It won't be easy. I can promise, if he wants you to quit.. he will let you know.. lol. Then TRY to quit. He will let you know at any rate.

God (Jesus) just wants good. I think if all look at him with this angle, all would love him. Really, it's who he is (was).

IS SMOKING A SIN FOR YOU? Only your own heart can tell you that... you won't find it in the Bible... But you will find Jesus wants the "Best" for ya.....

gary :)

posted on Jan 3, 2009 8:12 PM ()


excellent post and I agree. I think if you become addicted to those cigs (like I once was) it's bad for you but if you can have a cig once a month or week and be fine..then hell go ahead.
comment by panthurdreams on Jan 5, 2009 4:50 PM ()
Smoking a sin? Only if it causes harm to others. What I mean is if you smoke inside either a car or a home where small children are present. Their small lungs can't take the second-hand smoke. I feel it should be considered abuse for parents and grandparents to smoke around youngsters. My opinion is smoke all you want, just don't blow it in my face.
comment by draco on Jan 5, 2009 6:28 AM ()
ok i am not saying smoking is a sin or not. BUT, to me smoking is no worse than drinking. so is drinking a sin. smoke is your killing your lungs, drinking your killing your liver. don't get me wrong i am not saying one way or the other if either are good or bad.
love butter
comment by butterfly1969 on Jan 4, 2009 3:38 PM ()
I completely agree with what you are saying. A long time ago, I was completely addicted to cigarettes and I figured if He came back or if I died, I'd still be looking for an ashtray. I didn't need to do that, so I quit because I knew it was bad for me. Yep, 29 years ago, never looked back.
comment by teacherwoman on Jan 4, 2009 3:10 PM ()
Jesus wants me to smoke the best non blended cigarettes I can get, so far he has found a way for me to always have them. He doesn't want me to quit, in fact, he told me he would like me to smoke more if I wanted to. Jesus also told me that socialized medicine was wrong so I think Jesus is on crack. Even if we don't agree on everything, I know Jesus wants me to smoke, he told me so.
comment by lizbeth on Jan 3, 2009 11:43 PM ()
Same thing with drinking of adult alcohol beverages - water into wine. Good? Bad? Depends upon the level of usage, moderation and self-control.
comment by oldfatguy on Jan 3, 2009 8:16 PM ()

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