Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Blacks in Amreica

Blacks in Amreica

THE BLACK GUY: I don't care what you say.. the "White man" has always been the "Suppressor" of the Black man... The "White man" stops our "race" from everything....

THE WHITE INTERVIEWER: I know African American History "Senator".. but do you really think most "whites" supress you now? Afterall, you are in the "Senate" and I am a lowely interviewer...

THE BLACK GUY: I know our History, and my great grandparents were slaves to your "great grandparents". They built you up, so now your all rich.. and we aren't...

THE WHITE INTERVIEWER: Humm, my mom is on "Foodstamps", and I don't recall her ever mentioning a "slave" in the family... well, she did try to control "dad" a bit.. but that's all I know...

THE BLACK GUY: You know what I am talking about!

THE WHITE INTERVIEWER: Actually, no I really don't. I do know history a bit. I know your "Black ancestry". I know the Blacks were treated like "chit" by whites. I know Blacks were made to be slaves...

THE WHITE INTERVIEWER: I also know, although I hear alot of complaints... 99% of the whites don't treat you bad. I know 99% of whites today aren't "rich" from the Black slave labor. So if you got a "Beef".. mess with those (rich bastards),, cause it's not the most of us. I do know, and take this however you want (cause I am one that can say truth)...

THE BLACK GUY: You are "Proving my point"!

THE WHITE INTERVIEWER: No, I am proving mine. Oprah, Tiger, Ali, comeon... the list goes on and on. If you "Blacks" (yes I said blacks) want to continue to say "You are so mis-treated" by whites, give some backing on what happens today".

THE WHITE INTERVIEWER: I don't believe it! I feel you have the same opportunities today, as whites. Maybe better,,, "Affirmative Action" rings a bell.. If you want to live thinking the "white man" keeps you down, you will be down. In reality it's not the "white man", it's the government that keeps both you and me down.

BRB... Roxi Naked, she wants something to keep her warm..... This will only last about 10 minutes.. (wait, I mean 40.. lol)....

posted on Jan 8, 2009 9:41 PM ()


Maybe, just maybe, these this issue is really starting to change by itself - without the so-called help of government - or the help of so-called Black leaders (race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton). I see the change for myself 3-4 nights per week, in the classroom; not too many years ago, an average class was 12 white males, 4 white females, 2 Black females, and only 2 Black males. Today, yes this morning, a typical class (Organizational Behavior), 7 white females, 5 Black females, 4 Black males, and 4 white males; on average per se, females are outnumbering males, and black/white is usually about even. If this is the norm for a proprietary college, it may well also be the norm for the real world.
comment by oldfatguy on Jan 10, 2009 3:58 PM ()
Nobody ever said life was fair - and it's not. it is the Jacksons and Sharptons - the real race baiters - that are keeping the hatred and animosity brewing and stewing. I am most elated at the fact that I was born, raised, and educated in the days prior to "affirmative action" - a synonym for "predetermined and predisposed failure"- filling the open slot because of color (or gender). Let a persons (anyones) knowledge, skills, abilities, and aptitudes determine who and what they are, what they are worth, and where they may end up !!!
comment by oldfatguy on Jan 9, 2009 6:34 PM ()
Most people would say life isn't fair, and maybe they have a point. But then again who ever said it was suppose to be. The difference being that between winners and also-ran is the way they approach they take to adversity.
comment by redwolftimes on Jan 9, 2009 12:07 PM ()
I feel as though the world owes me for not letting women vote until the last century... I mean seriously - we could have made so many differences if we weren't so SUPPRESSED!
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 9, 2009 6:49 AM ()
First of all, for the record, I believe in equality of all races. I think it's discrimination that there are colleges specifically "blacks only." I thought we desegregated all schools over forty years ago. Blacks would start complaining about all white schools. I thought that affirmative action was started so we didn't have a "minority status." I'm sorry that Africans were enslaved over 500 years ago by white Europeans. I'm sorry that it took the Emancipation Proclamation to give you your freedom. I'm sorry that it took another hundred years to stop treating you like subhumans. Yes there are some of us "crackers" that want America to be whites only. On the other end there are blacks that want to kill the white man and f*ck their women. I'm not against race mixing. In this day and age there are more bi-racial children in America than forty years ago. I'm just making a point. The Jews were enslaved thousands of years ago and have never stopped being persecuted. Hell, Adolf Hitler tried to exterminate them. They never say Whitey is bringing the Hebrew man down. They live their lives. You hate the word "n!gger" yet you refer to each other by that word. Whites don't complain when blacks call us "honky", "cracker",or "pecker wood". We have a black president now. I voted for him because he promises to fix this country not because of his race. If he does a good job I'll vote for him again. We aren't so bad as a race. I hope this comment was interesting, Gary. BTW...nice. Over five hours since Roxi got naked and you had to "keep her warm."
comment by draco on Jan 9, 2009 5:43 AM ()
I'll be interested to see the comments on this site..
comment by coincutter on Jan 8, 2009 11:23 PM ()

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