Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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Kristilyn3 Comment

Comment on my last post,, by " kristilyn3" on here

I feel as though the world owes me for not letting women vote until the last century... I mean seriously - we could have made so many differences if we weren't so SUPPRESSED!.
I agree with "Kristy", seriously I do. I was gonna vote for "Clinton's" wife (can't think of her name right now).. But yeah, women are as good if not better then MEN ("Cough cough")..
Kidding! I do feel a woman is as good or possibly better then a man in office. So long as they don't let that crazy ass hormonal chit out. If "women" could stay on track, stick to the subject, and not get sidetracked by an "unknown/wrong number" or simple IM to her Hubby.. they could do great. As it is.. they need to work on that. I've been a strong supporter of "Bleach" blonds since I was 16.. I've since noticed, their "Brain is susceptible to seepage... Bleach has this way, of... starting on the top of her head, and frying out all the useful thoughts. Awesome thing, if you just want a stupid blonde to bed... but, a functional one.. she won't be... kristilyn3 on here isn't one of those "blondes", and yes, I'd vote for her anyday!
The only thing I don't like about "Blacks" is the color of their skin. The rest, I'm ok with...

"KIDDING".. jeez, I can see some people "Fuming" already for that simple comment. Reality is "opposite", I could care less about "skin color". Actually, I am a bit jelous Blacks get a better tan then me.. and I get a good one.. I actually look "Arab", but that will be my next comment.. not this one..

What I don't like about "Blacks in General" is everytime one has a mic, a chance to talk.. whatever, they always go into this "The White man" thing"! Jeez, to me, they make the preduice nowadays.. maybe not before.. but today we whites want to accept them totally (and most do). I'd like to say to blacks, stop all this "black/white" crap. Oprah, all Black comedians I know of.. all mention "race"! Like they are they ones fucked, and we all did it. Sorry, I won't play that game, and I know today "FAR MORE" blacks bring up race then whites... To the "Blacks that read this blog", I am not Prejudice.. but dammit, when your wear your shorts on your knees, talk about gangbanging.. I will be against you.. and I think most "mature blacks" don't like that either.. But also, I have yet to hear one "Prominent" Black.. that hasn't made "Black" statements.. Why? Whites hardly do.. I think the Black community keeps the racism alive..
I like the Arabs. Almost every Liquor store in Michigan is owned by Arabs. I frequent those places. I get along, talk well.. I support them, and they support me.

Would I vote for any to be President of the USA? No Fucking way! Muslems in general. And if they said they weren't, I wouldn't trust them. Call me what you want, I'll buy my beer there.. but no votes from me.. heck, ever wondered how there are so many "Arab" Liquor establishments here? It's because, Other Arabs finance them... set them up. It's actually a "Subtile" way to control a country, don't believe me,, check into it. Whatever, I can get along with them.. and some are cool.. but when it comes down to it.. i don't trust them.
I voted for "Obama". I wanted Hillary. Obama is "Black", but I know he is very cautious how he deals with the "Black/white" question. Of course Blacks should have "equal, but most whites don't want that the main agenda. Most whites don't want a "Black President" that constantly says "The Black man has suffered this, or that".. I think whites in general want to move on.. I am not sure if most Blacks are there yet.
If you don't like my blogs, don't read. I feel I lay all thoughts here.. sometimes it's hard to eloborate and hard to say all. But I get the "jist" out (I feel).

In reality, I am AGAINST nobody. I have many Black friends, Gay friends, and Arab friends. hell, I just got off the phone with a "Christian" friend, who has acres of land up north. It was a 2 hour conversation, and he wants to know "How" he can turn his land into a "tent city". To help all the displaced now in Michigan. He see's bigger things coming (I do too).. but he wants to start this now. A place for people in need to go. I have many idea's, and I've known this guy 30 yrs. He's serious.. I think cool.. Legalities may be a problem I said (actually will), but alot can be set up. People trust me alot really.. my thoughts.. cause always "true"... He wants me to be looking into this.
In closing, I'll say.. serious, I am not here trying to hurt or be mean to anyone. I have a very "direct" nature... and when it comes out I say what I think. I don't always (sometimes I am quiet, cause I listen).
Roxann and I just talked. We're gonna blow off show's till February... No risk, and she is making enough (plus my internet). Let's weather this out a bit..... So I will be here, not working this weekend.

Gary :)

posted on Jan 9, 2009 7:25 PM ()


You didn't put in my roll of the eyes!
you are funny...
Happy Saturday!
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 10, 2009 5:47 PM ()
Actually it's the Indians(the ones with the dot and not feathers)that run the "stop and robs." At least the ones I've been to.
comment by draco on Jan 10, 2009 1:40 PM ()
First of all, Gary, I would give anything to meet you in person some day. Honestly. Because I would love to listen to this straight out of your mouth instead of in print.

Secondly, I think that the world would be a much better place if woman ran the whole show. We only have one head to think with.

Enjoy your non working weekend and give that baby an extra squeeze.
comment by janetk on Jan 10, 2009 8:26 AM ()
P.S. Every Quickiemart is also owned by Arabs or Middle Easterners
comment by teacherwoman on Jan 9, 2009 8:01 PM ()

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