Craig Zimmer, Jay Young, Gary Ambrose (me), and Nick Young
These are some of the people I talk about from time to time here. Please don't tell them.. I could get killed!
These are some of my best friends. This picture was given to me (in a frame) by "Nick Young" for my Christmas present. Nick is the one that wants to start the "Tent City" (more on that in a few).
I am not sure when this picture was taken. It's Craig, Jay, me (without shirt) and Nick. I believe it was at Nick's mom's house, and we were all watching a "3D TV show, or concert" (which was new then). We all had the glasses. I think we were in "middle school". Since we are all between 41-44 now, this was a while ago. These are the people I'd give my life for, and I know they would for me too....
From my perspective, we have all "succeeded" in different ways. We've all had hardships too. We've all been close many years, and been apart many years also.
I am not sure why, but in the past two years, God brought us all together again. No, we never were against eachother... just apart.. different lives, and such. Now (with the exception of Jay Young.. in Tennessee), we are like a team again...
Nick travels alot. He is pretty successful. He goes all over the country.. he builds "Jewelry" stores in malls. Doesn't mean he is rich.. he has his "Up and Downs" like everyone self employed.
Nick called me the other day. And he is "serious". Both him and I have studied the Bible many years. Actually, I studied it about 5 years "intense", and was set up in a mall. Nick just happened to come in.. and want to talk to me. he said he didn't believe in God, but was willing to talk. we talked.. and I "Prayed for him" (with the belief God would touch him). I seen him a few years later.. and he was a "walking talking Bible" Christian.. But also one I percieve "GOOD"..
What I find, is most peoples "perception" of what a ""Christian should be"" is based on what their church says. What they see on TV, or elsewhere. No.. to me, not at all. It's about really how you "care" and treat people! I promise, when I see someone's car stuck in the snow. I will help. Someone needs a ride, I will give it. Only time I won't is if i have my kids in the car, cause i can only risk my life (if they are bad). The point is... Are you "really" out for you??!! Or do you live a life to help others.
Nick and I are alot alike. Not everything, but alot. We both drink beer and see no problem. We both can "outquote" scripture better then most pastors. We both want a "better world, and "fly with our own thoughts...
I studied prophecy very intense. I know all the "Biblical theories", and know what I believe. Nick and I are mostly on the same "page", but some things we differ in. Those things.. we will discuss together...
What we BOTH know is, all Biblical prophecies will be fulfilled "soon". It's very clear in the Bible, that the "last generation" on earth, will start when "Israel was restored to the homeland" Once again. Israel was restored in 1948 (Historical fact), but didn't get the "West bank, Gaza Strip, or Golan Heights".. Israel got those in 1967. So the last "Generation" either started in 1948, or 1967. But we "Biblical scholars" don't know how long a "generation" really is. It could be a lifetime, like back in the OT.. God allotted 120 years for man. It could be like 20 years (A parent and kids). It could be anything in-between. But (and this blog is too small to say all scriptures) we KNOW it's all gonna happen soon. Armageddon, rapture.. alot really.
Nick and I disagree on some crucial points. We both know the scripture says "we won't know the day or the hour". But there are "signs, to see the time period (We both agree there, and these signs are there). However, I feel certain events have to happen before the "rapture".. and well, this is so deep.. I am not gonna go too deep here...
Nick wants to build a "tent city". And Nick wants "my help"!
He has property up north in Michigan. He wants a FREE place for people to live (not just if things get worse, but now.. the homeless here in Michigan).
I have "cautioned Nick" (cause he is very set on this). It's a "Good thing".. but if you spread the "Apocalypse" is why you are doing this, you will dis-illusion people. If you want something in place, to help homeless.. then we can figure it out. But DO NOT make it a religious thing!! Make it a place people who are struggling can find help. If you want to bring "religion" into it when they come.. make it a "choice" thing.
Nick is all into this.. and I KNOW! he is serious. I am one of the people he trusts best (to say real opinions - see, there is something good about my ways.. lol).
Nick has the land. Nick has the "Heart".. and Nick wants no profit to himself. He wants to give "refuge" for struggling people now.. and others later.
I haven't really been able to "check" this out greatly. That's why I ask anyone's help here (that might know more). obvious, he will need a water supply (cost's money). Showers will need to be there. Heat, no.. Cold as a witches tit in Michigan, but lots of tree's to cook.. lol. he will need a basic electric hookup, but maybe not to every site.
One of my suggestions is.. maybe get the residents to help cut some tree's. That would help heat the "tent city" and sell off the rest for further supplies. I remind you again, this is non-profit. I think many would "volunteer" (not forced) to help, if they felt it was bettering their lives.
Raising Chickens, or even gardens in the summer could be worked out. Nick is smart, but there would be alot to this. That's why he wants me to look into it for him.
It could be done! I know. That is if the "Government" restrictions can be passed, or by-passed! I see ALOT that may fuck this plan.. but I think.. "There is usually a way around an ANGRY BULL, if you don't CHARGE it straight on. I think Nick has a good idea (at least for the homeless today).. Maybe set up for others if (when) times get worse.
Anyway, he owns land near "Cadillac" Michigan (North MI). That's where he wants to start this. If anyone knows anything about this (how to do) please say. Legalities, or whatever. I know a bit now, but alot I don't. This is NICKS plan, but hey I may be there myself someday.. lol. Don't mention his name.. if you look into it.. He just wants to learn info now.
I'll look into it more. I know he has the "property" and there are some things I am "better" at them him... so we will be talking...
Laterz... Gary :)
Nostradamus says 2012....however it will be a living hell on the way there...as it has started already...
We shall see..