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American Graffiti Forever

Education > Parent Involvement > Homework Wars

Homework Wars

They say that the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. I guess in Chance's case, that is very true. Papa JR never did his homework, his son didn't like school, and now... Grandson Chance is sticking out his lip and refusing to do the work, too.

I talked with his stepmom today and she said they call it the "homework wars" at their house. He refuses to do the work and also refuses help. What a stubborn child... just like those before him. He's not even listening to Papa JR these days.

It is a concern for everyone. I say that the child needs to start loosing privileges and some of his fun tech gadgets. Do any of you have suggestions??? In my mind... no more hunting trips or Disneyland trips until he decides to get serious.

This cartoon reminded me of just the way Chance looks.

Annie :o)

posted on Jan 3, 2009 3:42 PM ()


He could be a great "reader" but not comprehend a thing. That happens more often than you think. Ask him to summarize a chapter or page he just read. That should give you a good clue.
comment by catdancer on Jan 5, 2009 8:44 PM ()
Chance sounds like my fifteen year old niece. My mom(aka her Grandma) bought her a new cell phone and is paying her bill as a Christmas gift which includes unlimited texting. The phone is suppose to be put away until her grades improve but Mom is not doing it and my sis(aka her mom)isn't either. She's a sophomore in High School, where it counts, and will definitely have to take classes over. I think that if a kid doesn't do homework, take away the cell phones, I Pods, video games, etc. Maybe that's why I don't have kids. They would hate me.
comment by draco on Jan 5, 2009 6:03 AM ()
Does he have any reading problems or learning disabilities? That could be the cause of the problem. Or.... could it be that he's discovered girls?
comment by catdancer on Jan 4, 2009 10:05 PM ()
That is a great picture! It really does look like Chance.
I am with you, Annie. I really do believe that there are students who hate homework and school in general, but they still need to do it. We all have responsibilities that we don't like to do, but we must because it has to get done. I know that I wasn't allowed to do anything each night after school until my homework was finished. Most of the kids who come to the after-school center have the same rule. If the kids haven't done their homework when the parents come pick them up, and the parents know they were fooling around, the kids are not seen in the after-school center for a week or so.
comment by lunarhunk on Jan 4, 2009 7:34 AM ()
Beat him with a stick. Just kidding.
You're not going to like this (and coming from an ex middle school teacher), I recommend doing nothing. No rewards, no hassling, just ignore him. You can lead a horse to water--you know the rest.
Give him the usual spiel, then it's up to him. That's what I used to tell my students. I'm here to teach, you're here to learn. If you choose not to, that's your decision. I can't force you. And you'll fail. Good luck.
comment by solitaire on Jan 4, 2009 7:07 AM ()
I agree that you might want to try rewarding the good behavior first, such as a certain amount of money for every A he gets. Something I used to do was for every A or B the kids got, they could earn movie tickets to go see a movie with a friend...things like that. If rewarding doesn't work, then it's time to take away privileges or fun things that he plays with. Just my thoughts on it.
comment by hopefields on Jan 3, 2009 9:46 PM ()
Sometimes rewards are better than punishment. Maybe $5 for every A he gets; $3 for every B and $1 for a C. D's and F's he loses money. I always found that making my children do their homework the minute they got home was a good habit to develop. Then they had the rest of the evening free. Just some suggestions.
comment by redimpala on Jan 3, 2009 4:45 PM ()
you have to come up with something.First can you make it fun for him to do the homework.A little at a time.Okay,let get started.Chance if you feel tired then we will stop and try it again later.If you think that he is playing a mind game,well then guess you have to take some of his gadget.
Sit down and talk with him.Why does he not do it.Maybe the work there he does not like.There is a million things that you can do.
But,no yelling just small talk.Talk to him.Something bothering him.
Are you tired,need more rest etc.You can work around this.
Make it fun but serious.Good Luck.By the way what grade are we talking about.
comment by fredo on Jan 3, 2009 3:48 PM ()

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