Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > They Arrived

They Arrived

Lord of the Rings II- The Battle for Middle Earth

Sonic Heroes.. and trust me, these pictures don't do it justice running on a "high end" pc, with all the graphics turned up.

They "arrived".. my video games I ordered "weeks" ago finally came in.

Actually, I ordered 4. All off "ebay", and I got a great price on all.

99 cents for the "Nam" game. It came a few days ago. I knew it was old and outdated, but I couldn't pass up the offer. It is an older "DOS" game.. I have "DOS Box" installed, so normally I can play those old games (on XP). No luck with this.. looks like it will be going to a flea market in the furture. I don't lose money on this stuff, can always re-sell to another asshole like me.

I paid $5.00 for the "Sonic the Hedgehog" game called "Sonic Heroes". On my PC, I can run it in high resolution, 3D sound (in my headphones) and I have to say it looks and plays "excellent". I am happy with this one. Actually, all week a friend of Roxann's kids was here. He had his "Playstation 3" here, with the new Sonic game on that. I can tell you, this one I bought looked even better then that one.. so again, was well worth the $5.00 and $4.00 shipping.

Lord of the Rings II- Battle for Middle earth arrived also. I am very disappointed with this one. I can't get it to install in my computer. I've tried every trick in the book! It has a "CRC error" "CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK". When you see this error on your computer, it can mean only a few things. 1) Your disk (CD or DVD) has a fingerprint or scratch. 2) Your "Windows Registry" needs some cleaning. 3) The manufacturer somehow produced a bad disk 4) You have major disk errors on your hard drive. Now, in this case.. I tried everything. The disks look "great", almost new. The game came with 6 disks. I tried to copy the disks to my hard drive first (in case it was a drive error, which I doubt because everything else works). I tried, making a copy. I have software to copy anything, even if a copyright. No I don't use it really, and it's not illegal to have. Legally, you can make a backup copy of any software you own... and that what I was doing. I tried, and still got the "CRC" error. So I am of the conclusion now.. that it either has to be this one "tiny almost not existent" scratch (Because, disks are laser read.. would only take a tiny thing to throw it off... one you wouldn't think). Or it may be just a bad disk from the company (I highly doubt". I don't think it's my computer.. cause everything else installs fine, and I have no problems.

Basically, I am just sad this game didn't work. I've wanted it for like "forever", and now I can't play it. I read all the reviews, seen all the "video trailers".. and I only paid $10 for it (shipping and all). I've been sitting here, checking my mailbox every single day for it to come.

I have a "disk re-surfacer" here somewhere. Well, I looked all over today, and no clue where it is. That's the first thing I will try.. when I find it. If that don't work, or I can't find it.. the game is off to the "Flea Market".. that would mean something is not compatible with my PC..

Oh well... chit happens.. Gary :)

posted on Jan 5, 2009 7:27 PM ()


comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 6, 2009 7:33 AM ()
Sorry about LOTR 2.
comment by draco on Jan 6, 2009 4:17 AM ()

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