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Health & Fitness > Hello from the Hospital

Hello from the Hospital

H Everyone -

I've been here in the hospital for almost a week now and thought it was about time to let you know where I am and what I doing.

You know... it has now been 4 months since my back surgery and life hasn't been going so well for me. But, last Sunday everything really fell apart. After sitting down on the toilet, I realized I couldn't get back up again. My hubby called the doctor who said I should come into the hospital. Well, JR couldn't get me out to the car and to town so we came in via the ambulance.

The ER doctor examined me and said I need to see a back doctor and that for now, I was suppose to go home, take some pain meds, and make an appointment with the back doctor. Well... JR blew up and said that he couldn't get me back home and that I was going to stay at the hospital until I could see the doctor and get treated. He said he wasn't going to hire another ambulance to take me back home again. Of course, the ER doc knew better than to argue with this irate cowboy. lol And so that is the short version of how I have come to be here in the hospital for this whole week.

During this week, I have had an MRI and found out that I blew out the left side of the disk that was fixed on December 26th. Now, I have been waiting to consult with the surgeon tomorrow to see what he is going to do and when he is going to do it. Hope fully I will have more news for you in the next couple of days. I've also got lots to tell you about my adventures here, but I'm too tired today. Soooo.... watch for my next post. Love you all very much. Annie :o)

posted on Apr 27, 2008 2:00 PM ()


I'm so sorry to hear about all this.. hang in and I'll be praying for you.
comment by artisticgypsy on May 4, 2008 4:30 PM ()
How long until you can go back home? I miss you!
comment by jondude on May 1, 2008 8:30 PM ()
Annie! I'm so glad they have found out why you've been having so much pain. Good grief! You should have been dancing in the streets by now. I hope you feel better very soon.
comment by catdancer on May 1, 2008 12:46 PM ()
Hi Annie! I hope you get well, too! I came to see you. You are a good friend. Do you have doggies? I hope to see you at home soon. I just got home. from Waterloo
comment by waterloo on May 1, 2008 9:33 AM ()
Here's a nice Jello with layers. The top layer is lovely clear green with the most delicate pieces of canned fruit cocktail scattered throughout, but not densely so you can appreciate the transparency. The next layer is frosty white with perhaps some chopped nuts in it. I can't quite tell if that's cottage cheese or Cool Whip which is making it white. There might be some other surprises in the whitish part, but can't decide what they are.
comment by troutbend on Apr 30, 2008 7:01 PM ()
Geez oh fudge. I hate hearing this. Thinking of you.
comment by solitaire on Apr 29, 2008 7:54 AM ()
Oh, Annie... I was worrying about you. I hope things get put right very very soon!! We'll all keep checking back to see how it's going. Take care.
comment by sunlight on Apr 28, 2008 9:08 PM ()
I miss you. I'll keep you in my prayersDid you see his luminary? You have to go back over a week ago.
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 28, 2008 1:36 PM ()
Feel better soon!
comment by mattguru18 on Apr 28, 2008 1:04 PM ()
Oh my goodness knew it wasn't right for you to hurt like that, hope you get a good doctor this time and get fixed up right. Thank goodness J R WAS there to help you. Love you my friend, Hazel
comment by lizzieann on Apr 27, 2008 7:48 PM ()
I've been wondering why I haven't seen you around. I hate that your still hurting, but I guess now that the Docs have some answers maybe they will be able to help you. Take care of yourself and do what the Dr's say. *gentle hugs*
comment by elfie33 on Apr 27, 2008 5:24 PM ()
Oh Annie, no wonder you have been in so much pain. Hopefully they will get it fixed this time. Best wishes and lots of prayers.
comment by gapeach on Apr 27, 2008 5:23 PM ()
Thanks for letting us know how you are doing. I've been thinking of you this past week. I hope that the doctor can repair the damage soon so you will get better soon. I'm glad that JR spoke up!! Sometimes that is what it takes.
comment by hopefields on Apr 27, 2008 4:47 PM ()
oh my goodness annie! I hope they can fix it up soon. and YAY for JR!
comment by elkhound on Apr 27, 2008 4:28 PM ()
OH, Annie! I am so sorry. I hope you bounce back quickly!
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 27, 2008 3:22 PM ()
I was wondering about you. I hope and pray that they can get you the surgeon you need and get you fixed up right this time. Love and prayers hon.
comment by texastar on Apr 27, 2008 3:15 PM ()
Oh Annie, how awful for you. I hope those nurses are being good to you.
comment by nittineedles on Apr 27, 2008 3:15 PM ()
I wondered where you went! Waiting for better news from you.
comment by hobbie on Apr 27, 2008 2:22 PM ()
Sorry,to hear about this.something not quite right there
This is weird and going on too long.
take care and how is Chance doing there?
comment by fredo on Apr 27, 2008 2:15 PM ()
Get some rest... the stories will keep, although I want to hear them! I never had computer when I was in the hospital, so as they say, things could always be worse... you could be watching reruns on the tube instead of chatting with up!
comment by jjoohhnn on Apr 27, 2008 2:12 PM ()
How terrible--but thank goodness for hubby's telling them what for! I am so sorry that you are having problems, but you are getting help and that is a good thing.
comment by angiedw on Apr 27, 2008 2:08 PM ()
Oh Annie, I hope you get well soon! Take it easy, and heal.
comment by cindy on Apr 27, 2008 2:02 PM ()

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