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Life & Events > Thoughts on Divorce

Thoughts on Divorce

I've been really going through a lot of pain from my back surgery this week and also big time muscles spasms in my back. It hasn't been a good couple of weeks at all. I've also found out how unreliable nurses and nurses aides are for giving aide and relief during this painful time. Sadly, I'm also coming fac-to-face, with the lack of compassion and help I receive from family members, especially "the one who is suppose to care the most."

I was under the impression the dear JR was such a great caregaver during the years he took care of his fist wife when she was dieing of cancer. Now, I have come to question just how much he was around to care for her. But, I won't get into that as I wasn't here when she was sick and I really don't know first-hand what took place. But.... I do know first-hand what is taking place now and I am terribly hurt and dissappointed by my husband.

Anyhow, I'm not going into detail about what has or hasn't been happening, but I just wanted to put down my thoughts on the whole issue of divorce, since right now I'm ready to sign the divorce papers. Of course, I'm just ranting and not really planning on divorcing... at least in the middle of recoverying from back surgery. But... this one thing... I do know for certain......

The last time I got a divorce, I tried to explain my side of the issues in hopes that maybe someone would understand. I was a total failure at any explaining and I came out looking like the really "bad bad person" in that whole ordeal. Of course, I would look like the bad person... I had an affair and left my husband and daughter. Now.... in our society that is considered awful, even when a person has spent most of their 20 years of marriage crying in the shower and totally unhappy.

Soooo.... I am just going to say that "if I ever get divorced again"... I won't try to explain my side to anyone. I will just file divorce papers and then move on and not look back. And.... the whole world can think what ever they want to think or say what ever they want to say. It will just be one of those "I don't give a damn Scarlet statements."

Well... I guess you are figuring out that I am having a very bad night and the saddest part of this night is that I am basically on my own for caregiving. Of course, if one were to ask JR, he would tell you how he gets up every hour or two to check on me and to get me a pain pill. What is great is that I have now figured out that I can do that little task for myself. I even made it to the computer so I could "bitch" a little.

Annie :o(

posted on May 2, 2008 4:38 AM ()


Dearest Annie, feel better. (Where is the icon "I know where you're coming from") My heart feels for you in so many ways.
comment by shesaidwhat on May 19, 2008 7:04 AM ()
Dear Annie, I'm thinking of you and saying a prayer that your pain will decrease. There's not a married woman alive who hasn't at times though to herself, "I've got an American Express card and a full tank of gas, and I could be Outtahere!" The feeling usually passes after a while, especially if the husband is basically a good guy. Caregiving does not come naturally to men in our culture, as it does to women. Most husbands are doing the best they can, and they mean well.
comment by beedith on May 4, 2008 10:04 PM ()
I hope you recover soon and I also hope that your husband realizes he's not living up to his duties in that role. Sometimes men are just so self-centered.
comment by gwensgifts on May 4, 2008 7:59 PM ()
comment by hopefields on May 4, 2008 5:11 PM ()
I certainly can understand what you're going through... been there, and it's hard everyone I think. Sometimes my husband is absolutely fantastic and there are other times when`I've been heading for those papers too. Hang in there and if you want to talk or rant, feel free to drop me a note anytime. I'll be having surgery next month myself.
comment by artisticgypsy on May 4, 2008 4:28 PM ()
Annie, I am so sorry. I hope things are going better for you. It does seem as if a lot of things are going on that are so disturbing.
comment by sunlight on May 4, 2008 12:04 AM ()
I hope you're feeling better today? Are you going to have more surgery? Let us know what's going on with you, okay?
comment by catdancer on May 2, 2008 8:19 PM ()
Oh Annie, I wish I lived closer to you, I'd come over and help out. Try not to make any decision just yet. Give it a little time, pain and frustration can do funny things to you. *gentle hugs*
comment by elfie33 on May 2, 2008 2:41 PM ()
I understand your pain from back surgery, my mom just had back surgery...she is still recovering...take care of yourself
comment by nascargranny20 on May 2, 2008 12:02 PM ()
I am so sorry to hear about your back. That really stinks!
comment by lunarhunk on May 2, 2008 11:51 AM ()
well not sure what to say on this.
But whatever you do,think about first and do not make haste.
Take your time and evulate things between you two.
comment by fredo on May 2, 2008 10:09 AM ()
comment by jondude on May 2, 2008 5:55 AM ()
my poor annie! I am so sorry you are dealing with this while trying to recover. there are two sides to every story and sometimes people forget that. keeping you in my prayers sweetie.
comment by elkhound on May 2, 2008 5:34 AM ()
Sometimes it takes something like this (illness) to wake us up to what is really happening in our lives. It took my ex having an affair for me to finally admit to myself that all those times in the past, when I thought he was cheating, but would talk myself out of believing it.....well he really was. I was very good at "coping" and that is not how to live. I spent too many nights crying myself to sleep....with him right beside me not even knowing I was crying (attentive man, wasn't he?!!) I do know that whatever you decide is right for you, you'll do it. And no matter which way you keep your eyes looking forward. Can't change the past, so why keep lookin' back there! I read in a book to keep life in perspective by keeping your car (of all things) in mind.....the windshield is great big and the rearview mirror is very small! I liked that thought a lot!!
Wishing you a speedy recovery and know that there are a bunch of us out here that care and will keep ya'll in our prayers!
comment by dakmom on May 2, 2008 5:12 AM ()
Aww, Annie, you sound like you're in way too much pain! Are you at home or in the hospital?
comment by catdancer on May 2, 2008 4:55 AM ()

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