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Livin' Life Large

Life & Events > Our American Heroes

Our American Heroes

Today, Montel Williams' show featured a veteran from the Iraq War who was severely injured. He has retired from the service, and our wonderful government is refusing to pay for medical care for him. He needs more plastic surgery and has found a doctor who will do the surgery for $10,000. What has happened to these doctors who donated their services for those patients from overseas? I can not believe that our veterans are treated in such a manner as this.
I want to you meet a very remarkable man--A true American Hero

Cpl. J.R. Martinez, U.S. Army (Ret.)

J.R. Martinez was born in Shreveport, LA on June 14, 1983. He enlisted in the United States Army in September 2002 and underwent Basic and Advanced Training at Fort Benning, Georgia where he gained skills as an 11-B Infantryman. After reporting to Fort Campbell in January of 2003, he was assigned to his unit 2/502 Delta Company.

He was deployed to Iraq in February of that same year. In April 2003, J.R. was serving as a driver of a Humvee when his left front tire hit a landmine and he suffered severe burns to more than 40% of his body as well as smoke inhalation. He was then evacuated to Landstuhl, Germany for immediate care and then eventually Martinez arrived at Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) in San Antonio, TX to begin his road to recovery. He spent 34 months at BAMC, undergoing 32 different surgeries, including skin grafts and cosmetic surgery.

After his recovery, he joined the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes as a National Spokesperson in 2004. He has since worked with CSAH to promote their financial assistance and support programs to other wounded service members and inspire the lives of others through his amazing story of resilience, perseverance and optimism. While J.R.'s experience is certainly life-changing, amazingly JR claims this is actually a change for the better. He's discovered it's what's inside a person that matters most and devotes himself to showing others the true value in making the most of every situation.

posted on Apr 1, 2008 4:16 PM ()


Our government owes these heroes the best care in the world for their service! Bush, Cheney and their minions have destroyed the Veterans Administration.
comment by marta on Apr 4, 2008 4:41 PM ()
Another example of treating our bravest with no compassion. Poor brave man has been through so much... all for the love of his country, which is showing no love back...
comment by sunlight on Apr 2, 2008 11:02 PM ()
That's nothing short of heart breaking. And I'm not one to climb up onto my high horse...but sheesh...I'm amazed that the plastic surgery, so obviously *necessary*, isn't free.
comment by janetk on Apr 2, 2008 4:32 PM ()
That's absolutely awful.
comment by mellowdee on Apr 2, 2008 9:39 AM ()
Not surprising. Another example of man's inhumanity to man.
comment by solitaire on Apr 2, 2008 6:07 AM ()
This is really tragic. This is happening to many ex servicemen and it should definitely not!
comment by elderjane on Apr 2, 2008 5:51 AM ()
What an amazing person. It takes a lot to go through what he did and still be optimistic. He is a genuine hero. Our government needs to stand beside their soldiers and take care of them.
comment by hopefields on Apr 2, 2008 1:57 AM ()
I never cease to be dismayed by our government. They find new ways on a daily basis to reach new lows.
comment by redimpala on Apr 1, 2008 8:57 PM ()
its a dirty lowdown shame that these wonderful, heroic, patriotic men and women who volunteered to go into harm's way for us cannot get the medical care they need and deserve. But what more can you expect from President Paper Pilot Dubya (with his rolled up sock filled flight suit crotch) and V.P. Five Military Draft Deferments Cheney (they don't call him "Dick" for nothing). Some impeachements should be explored here.

yer talk about yer "war criminals" pal
comment by honeybugg on Apr 1, 2008 6:45 PM ()
Thank you for posting this
comment by ocean1 on Apr 1, 2008 6:25 PM ()

His LIFE is not an every day situation.
His strength is not ordinary.
His message is extraordinary.
We the people, rich, poor, doctors, nurses,.

We the People, coming together, to help each other.
Not waiting for the Political agenda to do for us.

We the People need to do for each other.

Co-operation, compassion, are in!
Competition, greed and self serving agendas, are out!

Thank you for making us more aware.
comment by anacoana on Apr 1, 2008 4:45 PM ()
wow...a touching piece. I hate to think of our service people being denied treatment they need. dang...why are there so many sucky people in the world?
comment by pecan on Apr 1, 2008 4:20 PM ()

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