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Teal's Modest Adventures

Politics & Legal > More Stupidity on the Hill

More Stupidity on the Hill

This morning’s news (Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough on MSNBC) carried a story that the House did not pass a bill that would have appropriated money to deal with major health problems for first responders to the 9/11 disaster. These responders, firemen, police, as well as average citizens at the scene who jumped in to help save lives, have sustained lifelong damage from the toxic fumes generated by the collapse of the towers.

What is the delay? Well, it would seem that some of these average citizens were illegal aliens and what apparently is the glitch is that some of our lawmakers don’t want to reward them with medical treatment for risking their lives. So the bill is being held up until they can come up with language to include that would make it certain that none of these unworthies will benefit. If you were being carried out by an illegal, would you want, first, to see his papers?

If we can go to great lengths to punish illegals who break our laws, why can’t we work as hard to reward those who are heroes?

What kind of country is this who says we will punish you for being a hero by denying you medical benefits?

I think such deeds should be rewarded by easing the way to citizenship. Surely such bravery deserves a break?

xx, Teal

posted on Aug 12, 2010 6:10 AM ()


Washington has a warped sense of right and wrong, which has been going on for many years. This really doesn't surprise me in the least, I think one time they wouldn't pass a bill unless they tacked on a few "special projects". The bottom line is that it isn't a Republican/Democratic problem..it's that the whole system is faulty and nobody wants to fix it
comment by redwolftimes on Aug 12, 2010 12:43 PM ()
The party of "NO" is trying to placate their more recent adherents, the Party of Lapsong Suchong, a.k.a. the Tea Party, who have built their lopsided platform on digging a two-hundred yard wide moat around our country and hunkering down while the magic billionaire tax-cuts save us from financial perdition. The spectacle of voting against the first-responders' health care aid will haunt them come November (It is already a major item in the DNC commercials that will begin running next month.)
comment by jondude on Aug 12, 2010 12:11 PM ()
I have often commented on the fact that citizenship is too hard to come by.
I saw Ellie's test questions and I doubt if most of us could remember them.
Also the l,000. payment is too stiff. If you have five people in your family you would have to save up for a long time. I do think they should
learn to speak and read and write English as a qualification for citizenship. We should certainly not punish the first responders. The
Republicans are inhumane.
comment by elderjane on Aug 12, 2010 7:06 AM ()
I had no idea prospective citizens had to pay a $1,000 fee -- is that what you are saying?
reply by tealstar on Aug 12, 2010 9:49 PM ()
Although I wholeheartedly support a stricter approach to border security and deportation of illegal aliens, I am 100% in agreement with you on this. Their sacrifice far outweighs their illegal status here, unless this bill is somehow opening the door for even more illegal behavior. I think an expedited path to citizenship would be a worthy gift to those who risked their lives and health to save others.
comment by jerms on Aug 12, 2010 6:28 AM ()

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