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More Stupidity on the Hill
More Stupidity on the Hill
This morning’s news (Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough on MSNBC) carried a story that the House did not pass a bill that would have appropriated money to deal with major health problems for first responders to the 9/11 disaster. These responders, firemen, police, as well as average citizens at the scene who jumped in to help save lives, have sustained lifelong damage from the toxic fumes generated by the collapse of the towers.
What is the delay? Well, it would seem that some of these average citizens were illegal aliens and what apparently is the glitch is that some of our lawmakers don’t want to reward them with medical treatment for risking their lives. So the bill is being held up until they can come up with language to include that would make it certain that none of these unworthies will benefit. If you were being carried out by an illegal, would you want, first, to see his papers?
If we can go to great lengths to punish illegals who break our laws, why can’t we work as hard to reward those who are heroes?
What kind of country is this who says we will punish you for being a hero by denying you medical benefits?
I think such deeds should be rewarded by easing the way to citizenship. Surely such bravery deserves a break?
xx, Teal
posted on Aug 12, 2010 6:10 AM ()
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