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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Post T Day

Post T Day

Solveiga came for Thanksgiving and is still here and has been absolutely wonderful in helping me. For instance, she washed my car, cleaned my refrigerator, and we took Ziggy to the vet so they could do something about his paws. The on-call doctor did a minute evaluation, the assistant did a so-so job of cleaning his paws, encrusted with kitty litter and flug. And he got an antibiotic shot. $160. Really?!

We then shopped for newspaper pellet kitty litter so that Ziggy could avoid getting sandy kitty litter embedded in his paws which are infected. Then Sol said, “we wash”. We ran some warm water in the tub, plunked Ziggy into it so his feet and rear end could soak. I held him so he couldn’t get away. Sol washed him with baby shampoo, we cleaned his fur and decrusted him where necessary. We dried him with a big towel, applied medicine to his paws, wrapped him in a 2nd towel, put booties on his back paws, and Sol held him in this cocoon for half an hour so the medicine could be absorbed. After a while, he started to purr. So far, so good.

Anyway, because we had Sol here, we finished up all the turkey leftovers, including me making extra stuffing from the things Ed bought. Tomorrow, a mobile groomer is coming to the house and she will shave Max, who has big clumps of fur on his body that are hard to cut off. She will clip his nails. He will be royally pissed off, but this really should be done.

We also have our phone/internet provider coming to upgrade the speed of our system for which we will be charged, which annoys me since aren’t we already paying for high speed?

I have the new date for my endoscopy coming up on December 5.
Best case, they will find nothing. Am I allowed to be annoyed that they insisted on this or should I just be thankful nothing is there. At least, other than fasting, there is no prep. And my tongue has not returned to normal following the colon prep. When I drink water, it feels as if the water is oily.

xx, Teal

posted on Nov 25, 2018 9:24 AM ()


A bath and a trim for Ziggy. Neither of which they like.

Good luck with your endoscopy.
comment by stiva on Dec 2, 2018 5:33 AM ()
Hooray for Solveiga! And for mobile groomers!
comment by marta on Nov 28, 2018 2:55 PM ()
Nice job on the new avatar. No more floating heads on mybloggers!
comment by jjoohhnn on Nov 26, 2018 7:25 AM ()
Yes. Sol took this photo on Thanksgiving day. I am happy with it.
reply by tealstar on Nov 26, 2018 9:14 AM ()
what a blessing to have all that help!! It sounds wonderful to h ave Sol for a surrogate daughter~!
comment by elderjane on Nov 25, 2018 2:55 PM ()
Yes, Sol wants to repay me for helping her with other things, and welcoming her whenever she needs a listener. And she is a super cleaner. She has a lot of energy.
reply by tealstar on Nov 26, 2018 9:13 AM ()
This made me laugh, because I was reading quickly and began mixing up who got what procedures, you or a cat. Some of them sound similar. Glad everybody's getting their needed care.
comment by drmaus on Nov 25, 2018 12:36 PM ()

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