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Teal's Modest Adventures

Health & Fitness > Update on Health

Update on Health

Today I had an upper endoscopy, a further test to determine why I have anemia. There was no pathology and I am relieved. I am inclined not to worry until I have to but Ed was worried and Sol was worried, and that fear rubs off on me. So I had to shake it off. I wondered If I would have a sore throat afterward, which can happen, but I didn’t. No after effects whatever. Whew. When I was in the hospital in early October I had an iron drip and that brought me back to normal, so I am due to have more blood drawn later this month to see if the anemia remains. If it does, they’ll have to look elsewhere. Both procedures were short and I woke up alert and rarin’ to go. They kept restraining me, absolutely certain I would keel over if not supported. I kept saying that "ain't gonna happen". Scott, the cute nurse I liked checked me out of the facility. The only discomfort I had was sitting in the waiting room (we were early) in a temp I was sure was about 50 degrees. They gave me a heated "blanket". I said, you do know this is a sheet? I don’t seem to be able to rest after these events. I just want to get on the computer and deal with my e mail and use the treadmill and call my friends who want to know the results. So I did all that and I tried to lay down, but the phone kept ringing. xx, Teal

posted on Dec 5, 2018 9:09 PM ()


Take best care of your precious self!
(((( ❤️ ))))
comment by marta on Dec 6, 2018 7:50 PM ()
I have the answer to why you're anemic. You just use up all your blood cells by staying busy and feisty. Silly doctors, looking for other reasons.
comment by drmaus on Dec 6, 2018 11:38 AM ()
wish I could say they were done, but I think they'll find some other test I need.
reply by tealstar on Dec 6, 2018 3:46 PM ()
Reminds me of when the cats were knocked out for tooth cleaning, and the vet said 'keep them quiet and calm for several hours until it wears off.' Like you said you were, they were rarin' to go.
comment by traveltales on Dec 6, 2018 11:35 AM ()
the word blocked out was a..h..e. Ha ha. Let him block THAT.
reply by tealstar on Dec 6, 2018 3:51 PM ()
I remember when my first two kitties (in adult life), Scratch and Sniff, got neutered, they almost broke through the cardboard carrier I was using. I got them upstairs, and they tried to jump on the bed and their rear ends weren't functioning and they couldn't do it. So I put them on the bed. P.S. The vet was an #######. I never went back to him.
reply by tealstar on Dec 6, 2018 3:50 PM ()
At this point, I envy your being fussed over. I am always the fussor and never the fusee.
comment by elderjane on Dec 6, 2018 4:38 AM ()
Not being fussed over is one reason I rarely go to a beauty parlor. I've been cutting my own hair for years, but I keep thinking maybe a pro could do the back better, and then I don't go. My philosophy of life: I'm fine. Go away.
reply by tealstar on Dec 6, 2018 9:43 AM ()
comment by jondude on Dec 6, 2018 12:11 AM ()

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