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Teal's Modest Adventures

Politics & Legal > The News

The News

I’ve been dividing my time between writing for the blog and expressing myself politically on Facebook. It’s a good forum for sharing views and liberal/progressive petitions and links I get in my E mail. I don’t always know how to navigate it. For instance, I put some remarks directly into Joe Scarborough’s “Morning Joe” page and when I looked later,they were not there.

Speaking of which, I have usually thought Joe made an effort to be fair-minded. He is not a stupid man. But somehow, since the day it became apparent Romney was definitely going to be the Republican nominee, he has bent over backward to forget every lie, every obfuscation, every smarmy thing Romney has said and done, and defend and champion him. What a fool.

And the latest, of course, are the announcements by Obama and Biden in support of gay marriage. A number of commentators have commended them on their courage. A number have said the electorate will kill them for it. I doubt that. They may be totally oblivious that there are a lot of people out there who are gay and just aren’t saying so. And they have money and cars and don’t need to scramble to get voter i.d.s

And then there is us – women. There are, of course, women like Karen Santorum who are in thrall to the control freaks they married and think that someone forming their every thought is oh so sexy. As for Anne Romney, I think she goes to sleep at night envisioning herself as First Lady. Sure, that’s a goal to sell your soul for.

And there is Michelle Bachman whose dual Swiss citizenship has just come under attack so she canceled it. Said she got it because her husband was a Swiss citizen and it was automatic. If you are going to run for President, you should have done that a while back. And it would also be a good idea to realize you are a woman and though you are past the age of needing reproductive rights, you should care about your sisters who are raising children without nannies. But wait, I forgot, you’re really a stupid guy in drag.

xx, Teal

posted on May 11, 2012 6:55 AM ()


Teal, some pages are specially set up so that comments are not shown after they are posted. These pages tend to be celebrity pages and political folks who are crazed about their images or highly nervous about posts that may go against their views/biases. This goes beyond folks who edit their comment thread to remove post they don't like for whatever reason. I love your posts, as you know.
comment by marta on May 12, 2012 1:00 PM ()
The best thing about Facebook is that it's a good place to connect with friends. I do post some political stuff on my facebook page. There are pages set up on Facebook dedicated specifically to politics.
comment by redimpala on May 12, 2012 11:01 AM ()
I had an ex boy friend who is now 89 and who is also on facebook try to contact me so I guess it works. He is also on Match .com which
makes him a total optimist. We have to re-elect Obama but their request for
contributions is becoming excessive.
comment by elderjane on May 11, 2012 6:35 PM ()
The Dems have stepped up their push for contributions because of the tons of money being poured into the Romney campaign by Super Pacs. Aside from E mails from the national campaign committee, I get mailings directly from Obama, or from Michelle, and in addition from the various re-elect and challenge groups in other states where Republican victories would spell disaster. I have given about 4 times, each for small amounts, and if I were to contribute every time I'm asked, it would be over $1,000 so far. Can't do it.
reply by tealstar on May 12, 2012 6:22 AM ()
'my gay friends are mostly in New York and no one living there these doesn't have some money' Gay or nongay you need money to love in NYC and they are still way outnumbered by the latter--did you know that gay people get paid less for the same job that nongay people get? Yep that old tale that 'he is not a married man with kids'is still around just as 'she doesn't need money--she is married'.
I couldn't afford to live in NYC today--heck I can't even afford the subway anymore!!!
comment by greatmartin on May 11, 2012 11:00 AM ()
No, I didn't know that pay discrimination also impacted on gay people (although if you are not "out" and blend in, it is probably not a factor). Legislation to redress these ills seems always to be under attack. We just have to keep at it.
reply by tealstar on May 12, 2012 6:58 AM ()
I wouldn't put it past the Joe page moderator to censor what gets posted there.
comment by troutbend on May 11, 2012 10:00 AM ()
There is more than one Joe Scarborough page, so I don't know which one you posted on. But in general, there is either a section on the timeline that says "posts by others" or a link that says something like "posts by all users". I don't "like" any of Joe's pages, so I can't see what available on some of them.
comment by jjoohhnn on May 11, 2012 8:47 AM ()
Mmmmmm--I've never seen 'posts by all users' and all the 'post by others' are people who 'friended' me---the only 'recommended' friends I get are friends of others who I don't know or don't care to know.
I get enough political stuff at that other blog site (that Eddie use to own) mostly rude/crude Righties who compare Obama to Hitler which is disgusting but every once in awhile I forget and comment on one of their blogs and I get the Party tapes so I stay away except when they really get disgusting with the 'commies, socialists,' name calling.
reply by greatmartin on May 11, 2012 11:06 AM ()
When I sign on to Facebook, I get a link to his page right away and that has a comment section. But this isn't the first time Facebook has thrown me a curve. I still don't know how to get around in it. Thanks for info.
reply by tealstar on May 11, 2012 10:24 AM ()
I loved this.Interesting reading.
comment by fredo on May 11, 2012 7:58 AM ()
'And they have money and cars and don’t need to scramble to get voter i.d.s' This is true in a fantasy world--more gays live proportionately below the poverty line than Republicans, christians and nongays--most gays DO NOT HAVE disposable income--like any group there are those with money (1%?) and those without (99%?)

I really don't understand facebook--have never found a lost friend--wouldn't know where to look for political forums--I can't even find friends I know are on there!!!!
comment by greatmartin on May 11, 2012 7:52 AM ()
Sorry to hear it ... my gay friends are mostly in New York and no one living there these doesn't have some money.
reply by tealstar on May 11, 2012 10:25 AM ()
Hey geezer... you can find political stuff by going to your left-leaning friends' walls (pages) and looking at their "likes". When you see something interesting, click on it and go to its page. If you want to receive its posts when you click on your "home", like the page you're visiting.

Facebook will also recommend friends based on info it gathers about who you already know. If you can't find anybody from the past you're not giving fb much to work with, but keep at it.
reply by jjoohhnn on May 11, 2012 8:51 AM ()
If you are looking for a friend during your earlier years.Just run a search on Facebook there and maybe some will show up.
reply by fredo on May 11, 2012 7:57 AM ()

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