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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Boring > More Idle Observations

More Idle Observations

Jay and I used to collect fractured translations. One was a paragraph on how to prepare a cup of cocoa on an imported Swiss chocolate package. It ended, “You have now a cup of this fine cocoa ready.” Wish I had the whole thing.

Recently I came across an old scrap of paper. It was a verbatim transcript of an Asian fellow at the airport looking for his lost luggage. Here is what he yelled at the baggage claim office:

“Pretty damn seldom where my bag go. She no fly. You no more fit run station than Godsake. That’s all I hope!”

I think maybe that guy is writing speeches for the tea party.

A recent news item is that Prince William might marry a commoner, Kate Middleton, whom he met at St. Andrews Academy and has been dating on and off for eight years. If I wuz Kate, I’d read up on the miseries of Princess Diana before I joined this family. Of course if Prince Charles had actually loved Diana and paid her any mind, instead of using her as a royal broodmare for heirs to the throne because she was acceptable and his mistress was not, that ending might have been different.

When Queen Elizabeth was growing up, she was appealing and seemed easy to like. But she’s turned into a waspish control freak whose need to protect the royal image and legacy is obsessively important to her trumping most human feeling. She's a royal robot. She ought to have allowed Charles to marry his Rottweiler and Diana would have married someone else and been much happier and also alive. As for Charles and the Rott, whom he did indeed marry after Diana’s death, the tabs say they are having marital problems. Gee. Ya think? You’ve got two incredibly self-involved, entitled egos here, each wanting to be the star. The conflict of need doesn’t come up when you are just sex talking on the phone late at night and flouncing around forbidden bedrooms, but living together is a different ballgame. It can be a reality check no one wants.

The addition of a third cat to our household about 18 months ago has more than tripled the clean-up and the maid service (me). Max in specific needs to be everywhere at once. I try to accommodate him when I can but he is schizzy and sometimes doesn’t even know what he wants. So I follow him thinking he will lead me to an empty food bowl, to the garage door, to the front door where he can see geckos through the screen. Then he’ll turn and hit me with his paw because whatever he wants, I don't get it. Bad kitty. Before I go to bed at night, I find Max and pet him and he loves it. He stretches out and purrs and I hope that makes up for him not sleeping with us like the other two. Honestly, though, a third cat in the bed would represent some problems. Does anyone make a pope-sized bed?

Chewy, my large black cat with just a wisp of white has discovered the joys of sitting in a shallow box. I use this box when I separate laundry because I have only the one laundry basket. He loves to get in it and hang out. I will accommodate him a little while but eventually the box has to go back into the garage.

Although we are going to a friend’s for Thanksgiving, I am already anticipating the major house cleaning for our boat parade party in December. Maybe I will hire a cleaner to help out. Ed keeps inviting people. If everyone comes, we’ll have 50. That is more than I have ever had and I’ll have to pick a brain or two to help with the quantity of food I will need.

My friend, Curt, who walks his purebred cocker spaniel, Buster, stopped to talk while I biked yesterday. I said he should try just one less beer a night so that his biking and walking could "take". He said he wasn't drinking when he lived in Illinois. You must have been beautiful I said, trying to picture the face without the padding. But no encouragement from me penetrates. Buster pees like a girl dog and I check up on his progress now and then and Curt says, "no, not yet."

I skipped Art Class no. 2 Saturday as I felt so tired that listening to Stan's hour lecture at the start of a 3-hour period would have had me slipping off the chair onto the floor. I heard that Stan was quite irate that out of 15 or so students, only a couple had done the homework he'd asked for and he chewed everyone out. Well, I am not taking a class that catapults me back into a dysfunctional childhood. We'll see. I find most lecturing sleep inducing. Is it my biology (admittedly iffy if I am not moving around) or is it that Stan, no matter the subject, is stultifyingly boring?

I forgot about two T bone steaks in the meat drawer in the fridge and they spoiled. Oh, bummer.

xx, Teal

posted on Nov 15, 2010 8:40 AM ()


The Asian fellow's rant was so indignant and so funny!

The day of Diana's funeral my daughter was visiting and I was trying not to sniffle and cry in front of her, and daughter was doing the same for me. Diana got a bum rap out of that marriage, but now that I see Charles and how he has aged and is harrassed by Camilla I almost feel sorry for him, then I think if it weren't for his actions his sons would now have a mother and think he deserves any misery he gets.
comment by susil on Nov 17, 2010 7:23 PM ()
Great purring makes up for a lot. Rex still pees like a girl. Ted finds
it humiliating.
comment by elderjane on Nov 16, 2010 11:56 AM ()
Ted needs to let go a little. Meanwhile, I have heard that male dogs might use the female position if they have been altered too early so they never develop the male one.
reply by tealstar on Nov 16, 2010 12:29 PM ()
I wonder how our British blogger friends will respond to your take on the monarchy? No comment on the cats. Don't some people (Stan) realize how boring lectures can be? I splurged and bought 2 bison steaks and ground meat patties (4) for $24. Can't wait to eat some.
comment by solitaire on Nov 16, 2010 7:14 AM ()
I am as hard on U.S. elite as I am those of other countries. In any case, the Brits we know on this site are inclined to be as aware as anyone of the excesses of power and I remember how outraged England was when the Queen didn't honor Diana when she died as they thought she should have.
reply by tealstar on Nov 16, 2010 7:37 AM ()

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