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Teal's Modest Adventures

Health & Fitness > Almost Arrrgghhh

Almost Arrrgghhh

I went with Ed this morning to a cardiologist since he had symptoms of angina for several days and last night, he actually asked me to call the EMTs. They came and checked him out. He had taken a nitroglycerine tablet so he was normal again. He decided not to go.

At the cardiologist’s office, the doctor said he would either need stents or open-heart surgery, but could not make that determination until he went in to see what was going on. If stents wouldn’t do it, we’d leave and he would go back as soon as a surgery date could be set. So we went across the street to Gulf Coast Hospital and checked him in. Our friend, a paralegal who works with Ed’s lawyer in his guardian duties, came to hang out with me. She was a blessing. Ed went in to the OR for the catheterization and we waited. I was relieved to learn that the doctor had been able to insert three stents and will insert two more tomorrow, meaning open heart surgery had been avoided. Ed was also relieved.

I drove myself home, a long way over the bridge from Fort Myers and I am always apprehensive when I make this drive. It takes most of an hour and if you are in the wrong lane approaching the bridge, you are forced into a detour. Also it is a toll bridge and I have difficulty pulling in close enough to the toll booth so that I can hand the person the money without leaning halfway out the window.

Then a social worker colleague of Ed’s came by to pick up some keys for a ward (101 years old)who has been transferred to a nursing home. They need to store her furniture and release the apartment at the facility she had been living in so they can spare her that rent. She stayed quite a while and we talked. I was getting antsy because I have a lot to do. Later a friend called and sympathized with me and said I should have told her I was busy, but having said that, wouldn’t get off the phone.

Ed called several times adding to the things I should take to him tomorrow – clean underwear, a fresh pair of chinos, socks, his new Norelco shaver (It is being charged now), his toothbrush, a book, his reading glasses, the charger for his cell phone, etc. He added cans of Coke and potato chips. And he wants me to buy fudge at the fancy chocolate shop to give to the staff.

I spent the evening trying to organize stuff and then around 11 p.m. the house went dark. We have lost power before, but never that late. I could not see anything. I am talking pitch black. I groped my way to the front door and the street lights were out too. I noticed a red light flashing on the dashboard of the Hyundai and didn’t know why nor whether it would drain the battery. I haven’t solved that one yet. I came back into the house and got my iPod (I have a lot of those small flashlights but never can find one when I need one) and the light from the screen helped me find my way around. I did find a candle but don’t have any matches and my stove is a ceramic top – no pilot light. Then the lights came on. Saved.

My neighbor said if the car wouldn’t start tomorrow he’d give it a boost with his equipment. What a sweetie.

I reminded myself that when the inevitable can’t be avoided, it would feel like any other day except, suddenly, it wouldn’t be. It is what it is.

xx, Teal

posted on June 15, 2015 8:41 PM ()


Bless your heart, when it rains it pours. I try to keep a flashlight handy but invariably my husband will move it and then I can't find the stupid thing. Good news that the stents are working and open heart surgery is put off for right now. Ed is in the hospital where he has people taking care of him. You need to slow down just a bit and take care of yourself.
comment by gapeach on June 16, 2015 5:55 PM ()
Quite a break to avoid such serious surgery!!
comment by jjoohhnn on June 16, 2015 4:59 PM ()
What good news that Ed can do without surgery. He's really thoughtful towards hospital staff, too. ... The red light in your car won't drain the battery, it's designed to be on. I think it's a security thing.
comment by drmaus on June 16, 2015 2:02 PM ()
comment by jondude on June 16, 2015 6:14 AM ()
Thanks for kind thoughts ... Ed got the cardiac referral from our internist on Thursday and the cardiac doctor said he could fit him in on Friday. But other emergencies prevented that and he saw him yesterday and sent him right to the hospital. It is extremely lucky that Ed was seen and had the procedure the same day because he was taking two nitro a day and a serious situation episode seemed imminent. He is very impressed with the doctor. We dodged a bullet.
comment by tealstar on June 16, 2015 5:07 AM ()
So sorry about Ed's cardiac problems and the upset that dogged your day such as long phone conversations, visits and power outages. It never
rains but it pours. Still, it is wonderful that stints will help him
avoid surgery.
comment by elderjane on June 16, 2015 4:14 AM ()

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