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Teal's Modest Adventures

Health & Fitness > Aftermath and Life Style Changes

Aftermath and Life Style Changes

I brought Ed home from the hospital on Tuesday. He micromanaged my driving and drove me nuts. I also scraped the car driving in a blind thunderstorm the night before, and knocking over a street barrier I couldn’t see.

On Wednesday morning, I was feeling rather good about the fact that Ed’s cardiologist said he could fix him with stents instead of recommending open heart surgery. He did two stents on Monday and two more on Tuesday and thought the first site looked so good that he didn’t go in on the other side but used the same one as before. So Ed started bleeding Wednesday and we had to call the EMTs and they took him back to the hospital. He went in the ambulance without clothes, so I gathered a set and got to the hospital an hour later.

I sat with him for the day. They stabilized the incision, and did an ultrasound and that finally came back okay and we were checked out. I am rather undone.

Since then I have been on the computer looking for heart-healthy recipes and it is a nightmare. You Google a protein – turkey legs, for instance, and get sites that have turkey legs in the title, and click on them and get 50 dessert recipes.

I finally found a turkey leg recipe. I had to omit the salt. Ed said it was “okay” and I ate mine but thought it was godawful.

Meeting the low carb, low salt, low fat standard is going to be tricky. Also, Ed has stopped using the vapor cigarette. Because it has no tar, he had over-done it and the nicotine was adding to his heart problem. He has stopped drinking diet Coke and that is a biggie. I'm sure the doctors told him to stop because of the caffeine, but I know the substitute sugars are deadly as well. Ed did say he might just have a little glass today and I talked him out of it. His usual consumption was 8 2-litre bottles of diet Coke a week. That's a recipe for disaster but I couldn't get him to stop.

I am praying he sticks to the plan.

xx, Teal

posted on June 19, 2015 6:06 PM ()


Men can be so stubborn. When I was pregnant, I too, was put on a salt
free diet. The salt substitutes helped. Fresh fruits and vegetables and
salads help and so do all the berries. It takes a while to break the
sugar and carb addictions. Can Ed have olive oil? Shrimp Scampi comes
to mind.
comment by elderjane on June 20, 2015 7:24 AM ()
Forgot to ask ... what do you use instead of salt?
reply by tealstar on June 22, 2015 9:07 PM ()
I am so out of it, I sent your reply to gapeach. xx,T
reply by tealstar on June 22, 2015 9:06 PM ()
There is nothing more tasteless than food without salt. When I was pregnant with my second son, who just turned 46, I was on a salt free diet. Back then you could not buy salt free anything so I had to eat frozen vegetables or fresh. When you start reading labels the amount of salt in food will shock you. I can't believe Ed was drinking 8 2-litre bottles of diet Coke a week. Wow!! I hope he is on the road to recovery and don't forget to take care of yourself.
comment by gapeach on June 19, 2015 6:46 PM ()
Yes, Ed can have olive oil. And some other "no-no's" as well, on a once in a while basis. I'm looking into my options -- see reply to Gapeach. I meant to say two, not too. Oh, well.
reply by tealstar on June 20, 2015 12:03 PM ()
Ed's downfall is thinking he can have "a little" of his addictions. He can't. If he allows himself just one glass of Diet Coke, he's lost. Same with cigarettes. He has stopped for a long as too years, and one night at a party, he bums one cigarette and it's back to full-time smoking. I am looking into prepared heart-healthy meals. There is a service (Ed is sure it will cost a fortune -- personally I don't care.) It is very difficult for me to change to all totally new dishes when I hate to cook the ones I know.
reply by tealstar on June 20, 2015 12:00 PM ()

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