Good Morning! I have a lot to do today as we have a birthday party on Sunday to go to for our grand-daughter. She calls me grammy! She's so adorable. We're going bowling. LOL!!
I've got to go shopping. I've got my list and I've checked everything out, I hate shopping. For anything!! I know the layout of the stores I have to go to and I write my lists in the order of the door I walk through, I get the things on my list and I get the heck out of there. I don't want to window shop, I don't want to lose sight of my list or my mission. Hubby on the other hand wants to look at everything...TWICE. When it's time for food shopping each week, I send hubby to the store, he finds all the best bargains and saves me money, because he looks at everything...TWICE!!!
We are so busy, renewing our vows on Thanksgiving, getting everything ready for that and deciding what to make for supper that day. Usually we have the family here but decided that this year we just want the three of us. Peace and quiet and lots of love. I figure we'll spend the early afternoon eating and napping, then have sandwiches and watch movies. I know we'll have a turkey, it's just trying to figure out what sides we want. I'll let ya know this afternoon what we decided on.
Yesterday, while I was at work hubby found a place that was removing all their cabinets, they are in good shape and he wants to re-do my kitchen. We don't have a lot of storage space, counters and such in here and he doesn't like all my kitchen utensils out on all the open spaces that we have. I want to move the fridge away from the oven because my oven sucks and the heat escapes from the door and the fridge gets warm. He makes those decisions tho'. I never did take pictures for you to see. I think it looks homey, he thinks it looks cluttered. Go figure!!!
I made corn chowder the other day and a big pot of chili and rice. We had that for two days so I guess I'll be making something tonight. We'll see what happens. I'll keep you posted.
Happy Cooking,