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News & Issues > Our Youth in Trouble?

Our Youth in Trouble?

I just have to comment on two articles I read in this morning's newspaper.

The first says " A new survey suggests that young adults in the U.S. have stunningly high rates of psychiatric disorders, such as substance abuse, nicotine addiction, personality disorders or other mental-health conditions." These high rates were found in the people ages 18 to 24. 46% of college students and 48% not in college met the criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder. That's nearly half of our youth in some sort of trouble. The source or reasons for these disorders weren't given.

However, on the next page, there was a possible clue. Upon studying how media (TV, the Internet, etc.) affects children, researchers of individual studies over 28 years agree that "heavy media exposure increases the risk of harm, including obesity, smoking, sex, drug and alcoholic use, attention problems and poor grades." Is there a connection, I wonder?

In any case, something needs to be done. Until then, I'm afraid the situation will only worsen. My hope for the future dims.

posted on Dec 2, 2008 5:57 AM ()


I am of the generation that tripped out, spaced out and zoned out. We spawned Charles Manson and Richard Nixon. I have a lot of belief that this generation will do better than ours. We wrecked the environment, perhaps they will save it. We fought and protested war, perhaps they will end it. We are the ones that inhaled television like a drug (bugs bunny and the road runner are psycho violent action figures).

Is the world worse than it was? No I think not, it only seems that way because we are bombarded with a constant stream of negative noise about it in the media.

Youth rules, old folks drool. That's not smack talk, that's truth.
comment by lizbeth on Dec 18, 2008 10:53 AM ()
I think you're on to something here.
comment by jerms on Dec 10, 2008 3:52 PM ()
People only have serial attention, if you try to do more than one thing, then you get problems, inefficiency.
comment by stiva on Dec 4, 2008 10:39 AM ()
We still have good parents who monitor the net and tv. It is a big problem and not easily solved.
comment by elderjane on Dec 4, 2008 10:36 AM ()
There are lots of things that are influencing the kids these days. Also, we have faster access to what's happening, so maybe it hasn't changed that much. But, there are many stresses on everyone these days. It's hard to really know. Wish there were a fast fix.
comment by sunlight on Dec 3, 2008 4:58 PM ()
People don't multitask. When the attention is split, we suffer.
comment by stiva on Dec 2, 2008 2:06 PM ()
There was a time when aberrant behavior, dysfunction, wild acting out, was contained in the place where it happened. Now the media and the internet give young people instant access and it is seductive to copy another's rebellion. Horror on screen escalates because it sells. Parents who preach without also listening contribute greatly. Freedom of speech now includes freedom to twist young minds. The consequences of indiscriminately portraying violence to all mandates a change in the way we approach our "right" to polllute our children. Before the technology explosion, this was not an issue. Technology has changed the way we should view such access but we are still operating on the old principles. There is no criminal action against internet excess, none exists. It should be treated as severely as non-tech crime.
comment by tealstar on Dec 2, 2008 9:43 AM ()
I share your pessimism for the future. I remember how big a deal it was when, way back when, Archie Bunker was heard flushing a toilet in "All in the Family" on TV. Now on TV, sex and profanity are omnipresent. It's disgusting, not b/c I'm a prude (I'm not) but b/c our youth are so casually exposed to this and worse.
comment by looserobes on Dec 2, 2008 9:04 AM ()
I do not believe youth is any more disaffected then I was or then my parents are. The difference is the parents. I grew up with parents that were so focused on materialisim (80's) that they were barely there for me in any other way than monetary. In doing so I have a high regard for money and an even higher work ethic and drive. Most of the so called "gen xers do not though. They grew up in an era of excess and slack. In the world of "time outs" when they were bad and suing teachers for discipline in classrooms. We now have their children. Hypersensitive and incapable of handling anything without a prescription of Ritalin or Prozac. It's no wonder that there are problems!
comment by ducky on Dec 2, 2008 8:58 AM ()
While I do not disregard these stats, it does not trouble me as much. Likely, it will herald another great wave of social change, and heavens knows, we need one! When the Dow rules the world, then we have truly lost our way. You know, the survey describes the youths of the sixties as accurately as it does the youths of today. We need change, and I am not referring to Obama. This will be even bigger than him...
comment by dragonflyby on Dec 2, 2008 8:26 AM ()
I remember in a psychology class a long long time ago there was a study that linked violent TV watching and acting out violently. I can only imagine all the rest are linked as well...
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 2, 2008 6:58 AM ()
My experience with students here is different. True I think there are more young adults having psychiatric disorders, but not so many as in the newspaper. If I have 1 till 3 in a class (of 24) that is it. Indeed there will be influence by internet and tv but so much... I wonder. Alcohol abuse and using drugs are increasing here under young adults.
comment by itsjustme on Dec 2, 2008 6:30 AM ()

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