I just have to comment on two articles I read in this morning's newspaper.
The first says " A new survey suggests that young adults in the U.S. have stunningly high rates of psychiatric disorders, such as substance abuse, nicotine addiction, personality disorders or other mental-health conditions." These high rates were found in the people ages 18 to 24. 46% of college students and 48% not in college met the criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder. That's nearly half of our youth in some sort of trouble. The source or reasons for these disorders weren't given.
However, on the next page, there was a possible clue. Upon studying how media (TV, the Internet, etc.) affects children, researchers of individual studies over 28 years agree that "heavy media exposure increases the risk of harm, including obesity, smoking, sex, drug and alcoholic use, attention problems and poor grades." Is there a connection, I wonder?
In any case, something needs to be done. Until then, I'm afraid the situation will only worsen. My hope for the future dims.
Is the world worse than it was? No I think not, it only seems that way because we are bombarded with a constant stream of negative noise about it in the media.
Youth rules, old folks drool. That's not smack talk, that's truth.