Whatever happened to Jose Feliciano?
I heard Feliz Navidad yesterday and began thinking about him.
When I lived in California (Pomona) back in the late 60's, early 70's, Jose was quite popular. I became a huge fan--surprising, considering my love of jazz and classical music. (But I'm eclectic. I dig bluegrass, for example.)
Over the years I bought four of his albums and even saw him in person. I played one of my favorite vinyls yest. I still like him, but I'm not sure why. Maybe I appreciate his talent and gift of music.
He had a bit of notoriety singing the National Anthem at a World Series game years ago. I missed it, but heard that his variation on the melody was considered unpatriotic. Of course, the "soul" version of "The Banner" is sung all the time without comment nowadays. I usually mute it(roll eyes).
I assume Jose is still alive, perhaps even performing and recording. Anybody know?