Our presidents--past, present, and future--sure have been in the news a lot recently. Interviews and tapes are flooding the media.
First, there's crazy ol' Richard M. (Nixon) and his "enemies" ravings. And Lyndon B. (Johnson)talking trash about Nixon ("treason"). Jimmy (Carter) is peddling his new book. There are frequent sprinkles of JFK, Ronnie (Reagan), and G.B, the First. Bill J. (Clinton), never short on words, has been espousing his legacy.
Then, of course, King George, the W, has been showing his soft side with Laura sitting next to him. Have you noticed how he never takes the blame for anything? Iraq? "Bad intelligence". The economy? "Wall Street". On Obama winning? "The Republicans". Not him, of course. What an egomaniac.
And there's the ever present Barack: announcing daily his staff, fielding questions, being interviewed (Brokaw on Meet the Press, etc.). Unlike Bush, at least he's already saying "the buck stops here". I sure wish he was a more fluent speaker (without a written script). It's getting on my nerves.
One last note. Those three CEOs of the "Big Three" sure looked like sad puppies crawling to the Senate hearing with their tails between their legs. I never saw a more pathetic bunch of beggars. Question: If schools can shut down for weeks and months, then reopen, why can't car factories? Temporarily, no new cars, no salaries, nothing. That solution is too easy, and I realize it can't be done, but it sounds good! Lots of luck America.