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Par For The Course

Life & Events > Twas the Night Before ... ..

Twas the Night Before ... ..

As most of you know, I'm not big on Christmas. However, it's a major part of our culture, what with the religious significance and the economic impact. Of course, Christmas means individual family traditions and overall family gatherings. It's a cherished time, meant for bonding, love, peace, forgiveness, warm fuzzies, etc.

I'm afraid those days are long gone for me. But the memories linger on. That was then--this is now. None of my four children will be here. They have their own families to build memories with.

I'm fine with that. In fact, I prefer it. However, contrary to popular belief, I'm really not a cynical old man (if 68 is considered "old"). Oh, I have my moments, but overall I feel very fortunate, grateful, thankful, blessed, lucky--whatever you want to call it--to have what I have.

I mean, WOW! I have everything! Great health, yummy food, plenty of money, few worries, a nice home, farm land, super children, a father and siblings (as disfunctional as it can be sometimes), and all the necessities of a wonderful lifestyle.

I think about that last thing quite frequently. I'll say, "Gee, it's nice to have....". A radio for music, a piano, freshly cracked walnuts for my stir fry, a source of firewood (and a house heated with wood!), a microwave, television, warm bed, books, computer!

No, I don't own the latest pair of Air Jordans or an Ipod or a boat. But that's my choice. Some people don't have choices. Some are jobless, have poor health, are homeless, hungry. Life is unfair. And for people like me, remember, you can't take it with you.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

posted on Dec 24, 2011 5:34 AM ()


I second everything in this post.
comment by tealstar on Dec 25, 2011 6:04 AM ()
And that's a first! Ok, perhaps I'm exaggerating. Hope all is well.
reply by solitaire on Dec 26, 2011 5:08 AM ()
And to you, my friend, a very Merry Christmas and wonderful 2012! Don't drink too much wine or have too many sweets. Those calories are difficult to get rid of. I was thrilled to get your call. Mike is your angel. Thanks. Here's a toast to your well being. Salude!
comment by solitaire on Dec 25, 2011 5:19 AM ()
HO HO HO dear Randy Smith!!!! I second everything you typed!!! Parker and I and my 24 yo daughter Ayla have put close to 1000 miles on our So. Calif. trip making the family rounds!!! It was her first time time at his 40 acre ranch in northern Santa Barbara County!!! It was exactly what the Dr. ordered!!! It has been non-stop laughs...good wine... delicious food...more laughs...some healing tears....more surprise visit's!!!! We are so happy that we are together that no matter what it has been "PERFECT" for everyone, straight from Parker himself!! Translation= Meaning good wine has a tendency to bring out the truth and nothing but the truth!!! May 2012 bring you and yours a happy, healthy year full of lots of love and laughs!!! On the road again..... love and laughs to you my friend, Barb
comment by darkstar on Dec 24, 2011 1:37 PM ()
Like an "angel" descending, here comes Barb with greetings from afar! It's always great to hear from you. Sounds like the good life is yours to partake. Wonderful. I'm so happy for you and Parker. Keep in touch.
reply by solitaire on Dec 25, 2011 5:16 AM ()
recently I posted on facebook 'we might not have much, but we have love'. Family and friends is what its all about for me. And the baking! I love the baking!
comment by elkhound on Dec 24, 2011 11:47 AM ()
Good thought, Mary. Without love, we are miserable. Same with baked goods!
reply by solitaire on Dec 25, 2011 5:40 AM ()
One thing missing from your list is friendship. You also have lots of friends for real and online. Merry Christmas, Randy.
comment by boots586 on Dec 24, 2011 11:25 AM ()
You're right. I neglected friends! Thanks for being one of mine.
reply by solitaire on Dec 25, 2011 5:38 AM ()
Yes, you do have a good life. Happy Holidays, friend!
comment by dragonflyby on Dec 24, 2011 10:52 AM ()
I count my "blessings" every day. Shouldn't we all? Hope the coming year is one of your best. Wish you lived closer.
reply by solitaire on Dec 25, 2011 5:35 AM ()
Merry Christmas and Happy new year, Randy.. You know what is really sad when you are surrounded by the ones you love at Christmas time and there is still a big hole in your heart because something is missing and you don't know what it is.. Sometimes i wonder if it would be different if there was someone to share this time of year with..
comment by redhead on Dec 24, 2011 10:14 AM ()
You hit the nail on the head. But I'm not sitting here feeling sorry for myself. Hope to hear more from you in 2012.
reply by solitaire on Dec 25, 2011 5:25 AM ()
Merry Christmas!
comment by crazylife on Dec 24, 2011 9:15 AM ()
And to you, my Northern friend.
reply by solitaire on Dec 25, 2011 5:24 AM ()
Here's a wish for happiness to put in your stocking!
comment by marta on Dec 24, 2011 8:57 AM ()
Thanks, Martha. I noticed somebody filled it up this morning!
reply by solitaire on Dec 25, 2011 5:23 AM ()
Merry Christmas, Randy.
comment by jondude on Dec 24, 2011 6:45 AM ()
Thanks, Jon. FYI, I now call my grandson "Jondude" (real name Jensen, my ex's maiden name).
reply by solitaire on Dec 25, 2011 5:22 AM ()
Randy,what can I say.you have a good life there.But there is one thing missing?
I am sure that you know what it is.You are a very lucky man to have all of this.
I know the feeling that the children will not be with you,as have the same problem sort of.
Have on daughter and a very dear old friend will be here tomorrow for dinner.
This is a ritual that we have every year.Wished that you were near to join us,but will be thinking of you.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.Take care and Be safe.Fredo
comment by fredo on Dec 24, 2011 6:05 AM ()
Damn--my reply went up top.
reply by solitaire on Dec 25, 2011 5:20 AM ()

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