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Sports & Recreation > Football > T'was Ever Thus

T'was Ever Thus

Back in my teen years, I became an Indiana U. fan, more than likely because my parents were IU graduates. And I graduated from that fine school.

From the beginning, I chaffed from their inability to win football games. It was always "wait'll next year". Dad warned me not to get my hopes up. They are perpetual losers, he said, always were, always will be. I scoffed.

50 some years later, his words ring true to this day, and most likely, beyond. (One exception: They did go to the Rose Bowl in 1968, amazingly enough.)

Case in point: Yesterday (Sat.), I watched IU play #15 ranked Iowa. They played great and dominated (relatively speaking, for them). Behind 18 to 13, fourth down inside the ten yard line, closing seconds, a pass was thrown to a wide open receiver in the end zone. I jumped out of my recliner, yelling "OH MY........", thinking the guy actually caught the ball and IU won!!!

But no. The ball slithered through his hands and fell harmlessly to the turf. And, like thousands of fans past, present, and future, I buried my head in my hands, and said "T'was ever thus". Then I went outside and split wood in a wild flurry (and fury).

IU football (and basketball lately), the Cubs, my high school teams--they're all lumped together as loveable losers. I've accepted it. And I pass my father's insight (pessimism) on to my children and any other potential fan of these teams.
By the way, my father NEVER watches any IU sporting events. He knows. (Maybe that's his secret to longevity!)

posted on Nov 7, 2010 5:44 AM ()


They sure did get whipped and they deserved it.The played very sloppy and Brady was not good at all and surprised that we got an couple of touchdown.
I turned it off after that for my stomach could not handle the sloppy plays.
But will never give up on them We got the Boston Celtics going good now.
Happy Monday
comment by fredo on Nov 8, 2010 9:31 AM ()
Since Larry Bird retired, I've dissolved my fan status with the Celtics. Larry was a Hoosier, you know. Now the Pacer's GM.
reply by solitaire on Nov 10, 2010 5:26 AM ()
Yes, Randy, I went to college — undergrad at Ohio Wesleyan University (English and Journalism) and grad school at the University of Toledo (American Poetry). I played on the women's golf team at OWU.
comment by marta on Nov 8, 2010 8:39 AM ()
WOW! You know, we have a lot in common. I wonder if we're not soul mates and don't know it? I just may have to make a special trip over to your neck of the woods to meet you. I have references!
reply by solitaire on Nov 10, 2010 5:23 AM ()
Haven't gotten sick or excited over teams since the 60s-70s and they were all New York teams and they were great times. And being in Madison Square Garden the night the Knicks beat the Boston Celtics, shouting we're no. one till the roof came off, was one of the highlights of my sports-years. I don't watch anything any more and I don't miss it. That was then.
comment by tealstar on Nov 8, 2010 5:09 AM ()
Yes, the excitement wears off over time. Priorities change. Hope you're doing well.
reply by solitaire on Nov 8, 2010 5:37 AM ()
O.U. disappoints us at the most crucial times. When they lose to O.S.U. it makes us sick and O. S. U. plays their best football ever when matched with O. U.
comment by elderjane on Nov 8, 2010 4:42 AM ()
Our rivalry with Purdue is fierce. Unfortunately, it doesn't get the press because they're both losers. You'll win this year.
reply by solitaire on Nov 8, 2010 5:34 AM ()
When we were in college at Colorado State U, they never won, never. But all of us students faithfully went to all the games and faithfully got drunk. Whenever someone would empty a bottle of beer or booze, we'd pass the empty down to the front of the bleachers and it would be lined up along the retaining wall. By the end of the game the empties stretched the length of the field. One memorable time someone passed down a bottle of rum that had about an inch and a half in it and the future Mr. Kitchentales chugged it on top of all the whatever else he'd had to drink. He ended up passed out on the bathroom floor at my house after the game, but he wasn't my boyfriend at the time, he was my boyfriend's fraternity brother. My boyfriend was with us at the game, and he also got loaded. He was very tall - 6 foot 4 - and he'd sprained his knee the night before dancing with a waitress named Mindy. For some reason when we limped out of that stadium, Mr. Tall had wrapped a plaid stadium blanket around his waist like a long skirt and the future Mr. Kitchentales was dancing the Boogaloo around us. Is there a point to this story? Yes: it doesn't matter if your college team wins or loses, it's all about the journey, not the destination.
comment by kitchentales on Nov 7, 2010 11:33 PM ()
The end justifies the means? In any case, I just can't envision G___ doing something like that! You wild and crazy kids.
reply by solitaire on Nov 8, 2010 5:09 AM ()
What a great youth.
reply by tealstar on Nov 8, 2010 5:05 AM ()
My son is an avid football fan. Don't know who his favorite college team is, but pro, he's all about the Eagles. I know he follows Penn State (his alma mater), but I don't know if they are his favorite team.
comment by dragonflyby on Nov 7, 2010 8:38 PM ()
Every football season, I tell myself to "disengage", esp. TV watching. And I am better. But I have a long way to go. I love it when the weather is lousy, and I have an excuse to stay indoors!
reply by solitaire on Nov 8, 2010 5:32 AM ()
You remind me of my brother, a Northwestern grad, who still cheers for the Wildcats, often hapless contestants in the Biggest Big Ten sports, especially football. But my brother tells me he knows the school has stayed true to a tough admissions policy, and that NU players are true student athletes with sports in perspective. That's worth cheering for — for sure! Go Wildcats!
comment by marta on Nov 7, 2010 4:17 PM ()
Time and age has mellowed me with regards to exuberation. I get over losses quickly. Did you go to college?
reply by solitaire on Nov 8, 2010 5:29 AM ()
Over here (as you probably know), we have three types of 'football'. The one that I follow is 'Football (soccer)', then there is 'rugby union' and then 'rugby league'.
In Football competitions, to me, the best one is The F. A. Cup (which is just starting shortly). In this competition, all the major football clubs have to plat the 'lesser' divisions. These are fabulous games - only because the 'lesser teams, seem to play 'better' football than their 'better' counterparts!
comment by febreze on Nov 7, 2010 2:39 PM ()
This "football/soccer" term can be very confusing. In Central America, our football is called "futball Americano". We have divisions here in college and high school. It's always a big deal when the "underdogs" win.
reply by solitaire on Nov 8, 2010 5:21 AM ()
It ought to have read; play the 'lesser' divisions
reply by febreze on Nov 7, 2010 2:41 PM ()
It's hard being a fan sometimes isn't it? My Packers aren't doing too hot this season...
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 7, 2010 2:08 PM ()
They looked like world beaters last night, however! Loved it.
reply by solitaire on Nov 8, 2010 5:16 AM ()
At least you can remember your teen years!!!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 7, 2010 9:06 AM ()
Always the witty reply! But true. Compared to you, my teen years were a short blink in time ago.
reply by solitaire on Nov 8, 2010 5:15 AM ()
Going to watch my Patriots today at one.
Should be a great game.
comment by fredo on Nov 7, 2010 8:25 AM ()
Being a Colt fan, I'm no Patriot fan. And I see they got whopped.
reply by solitaire on Nov 8, 2010 5:13 AM ()
Did you catch highlights of the UofM game? 3 overtimes and high scoring game. And PS, I'm stuck with the Lions over here (though I love em' still)
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 7, 2010 5:51 AM ()
Indeed I did. I actually spent another 45' watching the end of that thriller before I got a chance to get out and vent my frustrations on the wood pile. I must tell you, however, I was rooting for Ill.
reply by solitaire on Nov 8, 2010 5:11 AM ()

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