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Life & Events > Retirement > Seasonal (Dis)orders

Seasonal (Dis)orders

The magnificent "Four Seasons" was composed by Vivaldi.
But for yours truly, there are but two: outdoors and indoors.

I prefer (of course) the outdoor season. However, the indoor season has its positives. Since we're only about a month into "winter", I can say good things about it. But two months from now? Beware!

I have no particular indoor hobbies such as building bird houses. However, I have routines and things to do to keep me occupied. And, they say regular schedules are good--eating, sleeping, exercising, etc., at certain times.

Each winter morning, the first thing I do is get my basement wood stove/furnace going. While waiting for it to "kick in", I exercise a little, just to get the blood flowing. Then I eat breakfast.

My post breakfast routine is to return to the basement and walk a half mile (8'). They say ("they" as in experts) that walking after a meal is good--calories are burned faster.
Then I head upstairs to the computer (where I can see the sun rising). Depending on what I want to do, I might spend up to two hours on it. I've restarted genealogy research, so I'll be putting in more hours.

Then, instead of hitting the golf course, I return to the basement to hit the punching bag and lift weights. Total time: 90 minutes. Between "reps", I hit walnuts with my hammer. Lots of "hitting" going on! My black walnut supply is adding up. If it's not too windy or cold, I may actually get outside and go jogging. But I prefer the warmth of indoors.

Lunch, Sudoku, nap follows. In the afternoon, I split and haul wood to the basement (all manually). I may read and play piano, alternating with walking another 2 miles or so, either outdoors or in the basement. (It takes 15 seconds to do a loop/lap, and I can walk a mile in 16'--64 laps).

A thousand abdominal crunches, followed by some wine and cheese (or nuts), and I'm ready to prepare supper. Watch the "nightly news", walk another mile, read and turn on the TV (sound muted), and hit the sack (not literally hitting).

Today, however, I'm going to town this PM! First time my truck has been out of the garage in 10 days! Hope it starts.
I'm out of milk. And I need to visit my father. Bad son. But, I'm not one that HAS to get out of the house. No seasonal disorder or cabin fever for me. After all, I spend half my day (it seems) in a dark basement!!

Enjoy the rest of the week. You know I will. It's great to be alive.

posted on Dec 28, 2011 6:07 AM ()


I'm with redhead- I need a nap after reading your schedule. Wow! Are you ever active!
comment by dragonflyby on Dec 30, 2011 7:42 AM ()
I just don't like being bored or unproductive. Besides, I enjoy walking and exercising. Don't ask me why. Endorphine high?
reply by solitaire on Dec 31, 2011 5:17 AM ()
I hate to make you feel bad; but I have yet to turn on my heat.
comment by redimpala on Dec 29, 2011 11:52 AM ()
Absolute truth. Lsst night I actually turned my AC on for a few minutes because it was so warm in my house.
reply by redimpala on Dec 30, 2011 7:10 AM ()
Are you kidding me? Wow! That saves money. I know I save maybe close to $3000 by burning wood. Lot of time and work involved, however.
reply by solitaire on Dec 30, 2011 5:10 AM ()
WOW!! That's great! I've never worked out with anybody else, so I wouldn't know what that's like. My nearest "fitness center" is 20 mi away. Not practical. Besides, I have all the "equipment" nec. for what I do.
comment by solitaire on Dec 29, 2011 5:17 AM ()
So do you have a treadmill or do you walk around and around the perimeter of your basement?
reply by boots586 on Dec 29, 2011 12:11 PM ()
Applause for designing your day around routines that give you what you need. I have a more flexible, serendipitous approach to my day, out of creative necessity, since I never know how I'll be feeling from one hour to the next. So celebrate and cultivate your healthy schedule, and I also hope you welcome some serendipity and surprise yourself with changes every now and then. That can be very enlivening, too, for the soul.
comment by marta on Dec 28, 2011 7:02 PM ()
Oh, I toss in some babysitting or visit to neighbors or town. But I must admit to being routine oriented. Old people like that! And remember, my "summertime" routines are vastly different. With the moving of my kid's house coming up, there'll be some changes made!
reply by solitaire on Dec 29, 2011 5:27 AM ()
WOWZERS Randy!!!! [THUMBUP I always get energized, well most days when I read all about your day to day and what you accomplish in 24 hours!!! I love {hitting with my kitchen hammer} my walnuts, almonds, pecans into submission!!! Making a huge pot of 10 bean soup and veggies of course!! I also created a new recipe in a deep dish quiche pan for my lovely Parker!!!! He will EAT anything I cook or throw together!! He goes for a week or so then eats a little meat. I cook for my neighbors when I get home from a So. Calif. trip and we enjoy the bounty of barter and trading with our awesome neighbors!! I will miss that part.... when we are actually living at the Ranch, 40 acres in Northern Santa Barbara County full-time within the next couple of years!!!!! Anyhow, I have wood to stack in my garage before it starts to finally RAIN!!! Laugh as much as you can Randy!! I love how you MUTE your TV!! Some folks just can't imagine living for the past 10+ years with NO TV!!!! I keep so busy between work, life and grad school!!! Keep up your daily routines it is VITAL to our health and longevity as you well know, Doctor Smith!!!
comment by darkstar on Dec 28, 2011 1:47 PM ()
I have both a walnut and almond tree, and access to a butternut (like pecans) tree. Lucky you. I can just picture your ranch in the foothills. I love that area. Hearst Castle up the road, close to the beach, etc. You are extremely fortunate. But you deserve it. You've been through a lot over your lifetime. Back to back replies to my posts is a record for you! I haven't checked up on new posts from you for a long while (but will now).
reply by solitaire on Dec 29, 2011 5:24 AM ()
I go to my fitness enter five mornings a week. Ised to use the weight machines and lift the free weights. Now I do classes-yoga, pilates, zumba, flexibility, cardio-dance. One of the best parts of going is the interaction with other people. I would miss that, just being home alone.
comment by boots586 on Dec 28, 2011 12:58 PM ()
Dang--I hate when I do that: reply went up top (WOW!....)
reply by solitaire on Dec 29, 2011 5:18 AM ()
The Four Season one of my favorites.When I am meditation do play this sometime.
so smooth and relaxing.Great outlook on life.That is the secret.
comment by fredo on Dec 28, 2011 9:08 AM ()
As long as I stay away from politics and gruesome news stories, I remain positive. And I listen to classical music all day long. The jazz they play on the radio is too "contemporary"--much too much screaming saxophones.
reply by solitaire on Dec 29, 2011 5:15 AM ()
I don't exercise as much as you do ... wish I could. Need more awake-dream time, such as staring into space. It revives me.
comment by tealstar on Dec 28, 2011 8:44 AM ()
Actually, I do my best thinking WHILE exercising. I enjoy doing both. You're in great shape just the way you are.
reply by solitaire on Dec 29, 2011 5:11 AM ()
You amaze me, you really do. You seem to be very disciplined which is great for your health. I spend way too much time sitting...
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 28, 2011 8:22 AM ()
My fat sister accused me of being "obsessed" with exercising. Well, excuuuse me--for keeping in shape. And thanks.
reply by solitaire on Dec 29, 2011 5:10 AM ()
Now that I have read what you do in the course of a day. I think I will take a nap I'm exhausted.I thought I was busy......
comment by redhead on Dec 28, 2011 7:30 AM ()
I think naps are highly underrated. I sometimes take two! And sleep 8 hours at night.
reply by solitaire on Dec 29, 2011 5:07 AM ()
You are a living Henry David Thoreau, in our midst.
comment by jondude on Dec 28, 2011 6:12 AM ()
No Walden Pond, however (which I visited in Oct.).
reply by solitaire on Dec 29, 2011 5:06 AM ()

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