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Par For The Course

Life & Events > Rough Day, Rough Night

Rough Day, Rough Night

Wasn't it Cole Porter, a Hoosier, that wrote the song "Night and Day"? Well, a long 24 hours just passed by.

It started (yest) with a visit to my father (Arthur). Yes, he was wearing the same old grungy sweats. So I told him my tale (see previous post). He listened and smiled. He claimed he doesn't wear the same clothes every day--that it was by chance I see him in them every time (my sisters, too).
Then he said he was wearing them now because of his sickness and medication caused diarrhea, and he had to make a quick trow drop. I let it go. He's hopeless. But I love him. He's really a good guy.

After that, I had an optometrist appointment. The bad news is I have cataracts forming ("nuclear degeneration"), which explains my recent difficulty in seeing clearly. Otherwise, my prescription hasn't changed. No surgery necessary now, but down the road.... The worse part was being dilated and having to suffer through the day half blind. It's like getting numbed at the dentist's. (I usually don't.)

So I couldn't read very well in the evening. The optometrist said fluorescent lighting doesn't help.

Then, the night was explosive! Severe thunderstorms--rare in Jan.-- erupted all night. That kept me awake off and on. My basement is sopping wet from the rain water seeping in.

The only good news, besides waking up this morning, is that I don't have to babysit all day like I thought I was going to do. Change of plans from daughter Emily. I don't mind, but it's stressful keeping watch over a 2 year old every minute. He wants granddaddy to play play play, read read read. Whew!
I hope the next "day and night" go better than the last. Have a good one.

posted on Jan 17, 2012 6:02 AM ()


My brother, age 68, just had lens implants in both of his eyes, three weeks apart, to correct his cataracts. It went very well. His vision has improved remarkably. Cataracts await us all, if we live long enough. The surgery is really quite amazing. Since I only see with one eye, the thought of eye surgery freaks me out, but I figure I'll take the (minimal) risk when my time comes.

I'm a bit concerned about your Dad's medications, if they are causing or aggravating his diarrhea issues. Hope he feels better.... Maybe he needs a med review, and a few more pairs of sweats....
comment by marta on Jan 22, 2012 12:03 PM ()
Cataracts? I'll bet that has you really bummed out. Hope you get more sleep tonight. You are such a high-energy person that you need your rest.
comment by dragonflyby on Jan 19, 2012 6:08 PM ()
I come off as a "high energy person", eh? I'll have to reflect on that. It just seems there is always something to do. Plus, I'm trying to take advantage of a short existance on earth. The cataract business doesn't concern me as much as my post made it sound. (Did you see Teal's first comment? Whew!)
reply by solitaire on Jan 20, 2012 5:25 AM ()
Dear Mr. Smith!!!
We vent, complain, share love, joy and laughter among many other things and feelings here at MyBloggers.com!!! No need to feel like you ever have to stop complaining or venting your thoughts and day to day ups and downs!!! Some of us are grateful as we have that at home with someone, or we pick up the phone and VENT, #####, COMPLAIN!!!!
You have worked hard and earned everything you have in your life....but as you know it is not "things" in our lives that make us happy and healthy, it is the joy, love, laughter with our loved ones/complete strangers!!! Your going to be 94 someday....if you keep up what you have been doing. Being so independent from the world food supply is HUGE!!!! I still depend on the Farmers Market and the Co-op for our food and I am looking forward to the day when we are 100% relocated to the Parker Ranch in northern Santa Barbara County!!! Parker and his brother are putting in a citrus orchard as it is prime growing area for citrus, and off to the Farmer's market one day we shall be selling, not just buying!!! I never learned to can and I am slowly learning how EASY it is to have your own food year round!!! Living off the grid at the 40 acre ranch is both of our dreams, no mortgage, total solar, compost-able toilets etc etc. Sorry I rambled but hey you know me, I tend to do that!! I'll post an update soon so my mybloggers friends can be in the know!! take care friend of mine....
comment by darkstar on Jan 18, 2012 1:14 PM ()
That's so cool, Barb! I'd be envious if it weren't for the fact that my daughter and son-in-law are taking over my farm (120 ac) in the near future. No more corn and beans, beans and corn. Naturally grown produce, sustainable farming methods, etc., will be the new farm! It's been my life-long dream to "convert" the old homestead (in my family for 150 yrs) to "new age" technology and garden foods. I've already spent thousands of dollars to help get them on their way. Exciting times! Be well.
reply by solitaire on Jan 19, 2012 5:49 AM ()
Two-year-olds are precious; but they can wear us old folk completely down.
comment by redimpala on Jan 18, 2012 12:17 PM ()
I admire my ex-wife for watching him 3 days a week. I can't do it even for one day!
reply by solitaire on Jan 19, 2012 5:32 AM ()
Sorry, but worrying about something so transitory got to me. Don't mean to be mean. Really.
comment by tealstar on Jan 18, 2012 5:50 AM ()
Apology accepted, but still, your comments to me recently have been rather biting. I dish them out, myself, so I should be able to handle them.
reply by solitaire on Jan 19, 2012 5:30 AM ()
comment by elderjane on Jan 18, 2012 4:11 AM ()
BIZARRE middle of post.....I found an old friend from Ganesha HS and that is is info??? I thought the black hole of the INTERNET was weird....how that got to your mybloggers post boggles my mind!!
comment by darkstar on Jan 17, 2012 5:09 PM ()
We had that rain too, but no thunder. It washed a lot of the snow away. More flakes today.
comment by boots586 on Jan 17, 2012 5:09 PM ()
Not so windy today, but cold. I'm staying indoors! Working on genealogy.
reply by solitaire on Jan 18, 2012 5:21 AM ()
Randy- Got my MO-JO working!! That's what is playing right now....I know all too well about the first darn Arthur, I'll be 50 in April!!! Generations of my family on both sides have suffered terribly with that darn Arthur!! Mine is mostly my left shoulder to elbow region, due to my bad bicycle fall in August. I have done PT daily, almost anyhow, but am anxious to start a therapy called "ART" so I hopefully will not have to have surgery, as I am pretty anti-surgery unless it is absolutely needed!!

We dropped like 40 degrees and are finally going to get some RAIN, which is much needed!! I never want to live through another summer of 2008, when pretty much all of California from coast to coast was literally on FIRE!!
I say whatever about your Dad at his age, I know you care and that is why your concern for him is sincere!!!! I definitely understand where you are coming from!! I work with folks in their 80's and 90's and they are very aware of their ADL's especially if going out of the house for anything. I still have PJ day every once in awhile, when I work from home and have the luxury of not driving that day!!!!! Parker on the other hand, gets fully dressed before he even comes out of his bedroom in the morning.

Growing up if we weren't dressed we had to wear our bathrobes to
breakfast, I guess having 5 females and only 2 males, maybe was the reasoning around that. Modesty, privacy....changes as we get older...

Fresh ginger, fresh cinnamon and fresh turmeric are almost daily in my diet due to the anti-inflammatory benefits!! Also, a shot of BRAGG'S Apple cider vinegar!! Stay well my quirky and lovable online friend!!!! My Mom died when I was 22, my Dad died when I was 40, I still miss both of them terribly... and laughs Barb
comment by darkstar on Jan 17, 2012 5:05 PM ()
Hi Barb! Yes, I'm going to stop "complaining" here at mybloggers. I get picked on (see Teal below). Besides, my so-called "suffering" is nothing compared to the millions that really are in bad shape. I guess I'm looking for some sympathy. This is my "out place". The Ganesha thing is weird. Hmmm.
Glad you stopped by. Come again. I haven't checked up on any recent posts from you. Take care.
reply by solitaire on Jan 18, 2012 5:19 AM ()
We gots yer storms this morning and now. I am luukin out the windoze at them empty trash bins slidin down the gutters. MOL
comment by hobbie on Jan 17, 2012 11:50 AM ()
Stay indoors and enjoy the view from there.
reply by solitaire on Jan 18, 2012 5:10 AM ()
Take a nap! I hope your day has been fantastic so far.
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 17, 2012 11:18 AM ()
I love your attitude! Will do (nap).
reply by solitaire on Jan 18, 2012 5:09 AM ()
This is very typical and surely you are aware of that.I just had my done last year and I am 81 so guess I was lucky.Should not have any problems when done if you have the right doctor.
The test is a piece of cake.Once is done then you will be fine when happen.
Get your self a kindle fire and you will not have any issues with it.Plenty of light and big type if you want this.I do not have one but a friend of mine did and show me and impressed that I was.
Talk later
comment by fredo on Jan 17, 2012 8:52 AM ()
I like making mountains out of molehills.
reply by solitaire on Jan 18, 2012 5:08 AM ()
RE. cataracts, there is hardly a person living past 50 who doesn't get them. The good news is the surgery for them is simple and easy and cut and dried and your vision will improve to the point that you may not need glasses at all. I have had cataract surgery in both eyes (months apart) and I had follow-up surgery to remove the film that forms in some cases because one's immune system does not like the transplanted lens. No big deal. Ed has had cataract surgery in both eyes -- his low-grade glaucoma disappeared after that surgery. Basically, this is a no-issue condition, so relax. As for having your eyes dilated and having difficulty afterward, are you real? Dilation is a standard test -- go prepared, have someone drive you if necessary. You will shun light for a couple of hours afterward. Perhaps you would rather have been born earlier so that none of these medical miracles would be available to you.
comment by tealstar on Jan 17, 2012 8:18 AM ()
Is it my imagination, or have you become mean-spirited ("are you real?")?
reply by solitaire on Jan 18, 2012 5:07 AM ()

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