Wasn't it Cole Porter, a Hoosier, that wrote the song "Night and Day"? Well, a long 24 hours just passed by.
It started (yest) with a visit to my father (Arthur). Yes, he was wearing the same old grungy sweats. So I told him my tale (see previous post). He listened and smiled. He claimed he doesn't wear the same clothes every day--that it was by chance I see him in them every time (my sisters, too).
Then he said he was wearing them now because of his sickness and medication caused diarrhea, and he had to make a quick trow drop. I let it go. He's hopeless. But I love him. He's really a good guy.
After that, I had an optometrist appointment. The bad news is I have cataracts forming ("nuclear degeneration"), which explains my recent difficulty in seeing clearly. Otherwise, my prescription hasn't changed. No surgery necessary now, but down the road.... The worse part was being dilated and having to suffer through the day half blind. It's like getting numbed at the dentist's. (I usually don't.)
So I couldn't read very well in the evening. The optometrist said fluorescent lighting doesn't help.
Then, the night was explosive! Severe thunderstorms--rare in Jan.-- erupted all night. That kept me awake off and on. My basement is sopping wet from the rain water seeping in.
The only good news, besides waking up this morning, is that I don't have to babysit all day like I thought I was going to do. Change of plans from daughter Emily. I don't mind, but it's stressful keeping watch over a 2 year old every minute. He wants granddaddy to play play play, read read read. Whew!
I hope the next "day and night" go better than the last. Have a good one.
I'm a bit concerned about your Dad's medications, if they are causing or aggravating his diarrhea issues. Hope he feels better.... Maybe he needs a med review, and a few more pairs of sweats....