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Business > Reason Rally

Reason Rally

Six weeks ago, I signed up to attend a "Reason Rally" in Washington D.C., Saturday, March 24th.

I'll be riding a chartered bus out of Indianapolis (cost $100), leaving Fri. at 9:30 PM, taking nearly 12 hours overnight to arrive.

After the all day rally, we board the bus for the return trip--again sleeping (hopefully) on the bus--to Indy at 7:30 AM Sunday.

What--am I nuts?! Possibly. So why am I doing it? My reasons are many and varied.

First, I want to lend my support to the "cause" of the great minority of us secularists/humanists/nonbelievers, whatever you want to call us. We have no "agenda", per se. We just want our voice to be heard--the voice of reason and rationality.
We are not protesting, just rallying.

Here is my opportunity to blend in with fellow non-christians. I usually feel very much alone and isolated in my beliefs, living in a world of religious fanatics. It will feel good to mingle with like-minded individuals, both on the bus and at the rally.

I am also quite excited about seeing and hearing some of my heroes in the "movement", many of which will be speaking at national mall. (Google Reason Rally for a list.) It'll be 8 hours of "rallying".

The tipping point of my whimsical signing up was/is Saturday is my birthday (#69)! I can't think of a better present to myself. A party, just for me!!! I'm a "doer", often spontaneous, a "what the heck", "just do it", type of guy.

Of course, I have my concerns: where to park (Indy), what to bring with me, sleeping on a bus (noisy? comfort?), food, etc. But, I'm trying not to get overly concerned or worried about the finer details. Things usually work out. And, I'm not alone. It should be a hoot! I'm really excited and pumped up!

It might not be until Monday (26th) before I post again. Until then, have a nice weekend. I know I will!

posted on Mar 22, 2012 5:36 AM ()


Wishing you a good trip and unwrap a great birthday!
comment by marta on Mar 25, 2012 9:20 AM ()
Home, safe and sound--well, perhaps not too sound!
reply by solitaire on Mar 26, 2012 5:45 AM ()
Cool way to spend your birthday!!
comment by crazylife on Mar 24, 2012 3:43 PM ()
I thought so! How ya been?
reply by solitaire on Mar 25, 2012 6:37 AM ()
It will be covered... It's been on the local news! I thought of you at each mention of it.
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 23, 2012 8:54 PM ()
Great turnout--lots of fun. See new post.
reply by solitaire on Mar 25, 2012 6:36 AM ()
Have a great time. We will look for you on the news. I am sure such a big event will be covered. What a great party to give yourself. Happy birthday.
comment by boots586 on Mar 22, 2012 3:56 PM ()
I'll be curious to know if, indeed, the event is covered by the media. "Rallies" happen all the time. They're expecting 30 thousand people. Have you ever been to D.C.? Me once.
reply by solitaire on Mar 23, 2012 5:02 AM ()
Oh Randy,
I have to admit I am so envious, I wish I could just GO to the "Reason Rally" with you!!!! My religion is "LOVE" and Parker is a baptized Episcopalian for the last 20 years. His father was an atheist and an engineer to boot!! So it is possible to accept one another at face value and one of my motto's has always been, "Whatever works best for YOU" I have literature on the coffee table titled "Freedom from Religion foundation" as well as one of his old bibles. Who knew I could ever find a life partner who is madly in love with me and my "Recovering Catholic" status!!! I told him a little bit about you and your beliefs and he is thrilled to know I have others who share my beliefs etc etc
We had a commitment ceremony as we both feel strongly that until EVERYONE can legally MARRY the person they are in love with....we can wait!!! I love to say it as much as possible that we don't mind "living in sin," it always gets a loud laugh, even from his Mother!! My point being NEVER SAY NEVER!!! Happy trails and a safe journey there and back!! Bring information to share with others, like your 12+ page piece that you sent to me back in 2007. Make new contacts for yourself. You may even find a special someone, you'll know!!! Above all else have a hell of a Happy Healthy Birth-day, wow 69 so young!!!
For my 50th in April we are throwing a Fiesta even with a pinata with adult content!! A bucket of Margarita's ought to get the party started!! Plus I finally decided that I am ready to commit to 4 more semesters to finish my MSW Graduate degree with a 4.0 GPA I might add!! So it will be better than celebrating my 40th four years straight!! Just cut loose and have a WONDERFUL FUN FILLED TRIP!!!! always your faithful mybloggers friend Barb
comment by darkstar on Mar 22, 2012 3:27 PM ()
Hi Barb! You have a good memory (12 p essay). I'm a FFRF member, and a few others. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Here's wishing you the same, not to mention wonderful days ahead with Parker. I'm coming out to Calif in April. Oakland first (via Amtrak) to visit daughter, then down to Santa Cruz to spend a week camping with son Darin (at Pinnacles N.M.). Flying home. I'm living life to the fullest! Take care.
reply by solitaire on Mar 23, 2012 4:52 AM ()
Enjoy the trip, and above all, enjoy your birthday. Who knows, you might make new friends or even discover a new love...
comment by dragonflyby on Mar 22, 2012 1:04 PM ()
Thanks Dottie. I'm guessing I'll be the "old geezer" on the trip--at least age-wise. Doubt if we have much time to get to know one another, sleeping and all. But who knows?!!
reply by solitaire on Mar 23, 2012 5:00 AM ()
Rock On Atheist! Have a wonderful Birthday :) We all have a right to be heard and it is nice that you can do this for yourself. Although I am not a "Non Believer" I am in full support of your right to be one. Enjoy You may want to bring one of those nice half circle neck pillows for the sleeping part on the ride ...
comment by hennaladykim on Mar 22, 2012 12:08 PM ()
Don't own a "sleeper pillow", but I have a small airline pillow. Maybe they furnish them. Anyway, thanks. I appreciate being "accepted" in this religious country of ours.
reply by solitaire on Mar 23, 2012 4:58 AM ()
Kris are you serious that he will have an iPod and cell phone.
So this is how you are going to celebrate your birthday?was going to give you a call Saturday.Are you going to be home?
comment by fredo on Mar 22, 2012 9:31 AM ()
as I was writing it I realized it was tomfoolery but maybe his daughter had something he could borrow? ya never know.
reply by kristilyn3 on Mar 23, 2012 8:57 PM ()
You know me well! (see my reply to Kris) I'll be gone all weekend, so no call is necessary. I'll receive your "call" via ESP. Thanks for the thought.
reply by solitaire on Mar 23, 2012 4:56 AM ()
Fun fun fun! I wish we were going to be in town, I'd meet up with you! Do you have headphones and an ipod? If so I'd bring those in case people are talking and annoying, that way you can drown them out and hopefully sleep. And a book, but I am sure you have thought of that one! HAVE FUN!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 22, 2012 6:59 AM ()
My "headphones" are the old fashion transistor radio type! No way would I bring it! Book, yes. But I hope to be sleeping. I do have earplugs!
reply by solitaire on Mar 23, 2012 4:54 AM ()

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