My fruit trees are in full bloom, but silence reigns in them. While there are a few bumblebees, there are virtually no honeybees. I spotted but one.
The experts keep talking about the decline of honeybees due to a mite infecting the hives. From my observations, it must be true. Sadly, it's not just fruit trees that need nature's little pollinators. I've noticed in the past few years, my melon and squash crops have suffered. Last year, the blueberry farm down the road from me had to close up early--very small crop. A late freeze may have had something to do with it, but I suspect a diminished honeybee population was the culprit.
I'll be keeping an eye out for our little helpers this spring and let you know if they're making a comeback.
of food is really gonna go thru the roof when plants have to be
pollinated by hand.