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Life & Events > Busy Days

Busy Days

First, I apologize for not keeping up on reading other posts. It's been (and will continue being) a busy week.

The weather's been good enough for golf and hiking. I've planted some of my garden--that takes time preparing the ground, putting up fences (rabbits), etc.
Then yesterday I spent 3 hours burning 4 acres of prairie grass. It hurt to see it go up in flames, but I know it's necessary. Speaking of going up in flames, my neighbor's house (a mile west of me) nearly burned down. I helplessly watched it burn as the volunteer fire department doused it the best they could. I always worry about losing my house that way.

Today I go to Lafayette (about 20 miles away) to do and get a whole list of things. That should take about 3 hours. I'm still considering picking up tickets to see Barack Obama, who's coming tomorrow! I'd love to see him, but I hate crowds. I'll make a last minute decision while in town today.
Gotta run!

posted on Apr 9, 2008 5:50 AM ()


I take it that you didn't see Barack, or we would have heard about it by now!
comment by sunlight on Apr 11, 2008 11:01 PM ()
I'm insanely jealous that you are out gardening. Oh... how I would love to be able to go outside and do some projects. I made my bed this morning and thought I would die from the back pain. Things really aren't very good here. I think I am reacting to the pain medicine and so the doctor wants me to withdraw from it. I've got all the typical withdrawel symptoms and they aren't pleasant. Also, the stress from the physical therapy has set off symptoms of my MCTD (mixed connective tissue disease - an autoimmune disease.) I'm in lots and lots of pain and now only tyenol to bring me a little relief. I tried Advil... but it raised my blood pressure to new heights. Oh my... I'm a mess. My face is red and swollen like a balloon. I feel like I am dieing.

You probably don't want to hear all my complaints, but you are always someone with whom I can talk.

Sorry to hear about your neighbor's house. When I was young, the houses in our rural valley were old and the wiring was even older. I remember several of our neighbors loosing their homes to fire. They would loose everything and that was all soooo sad.

So what are you planting in your garden. If I had a garden, I would put in a couple of rows of gladiolas just like my Grandmother used to do. She would have those lovely flowers in vases in her house all summer long. I loved going to the garden to help her choose the ones to cut for the house. What a great memory. That was back in the 1950's when life really did seem better.

Okay... this is long enough. Later gator - Annie :o)
comment by anniel on Apr 10, 2008 1:30 PM ()
You have been a busy man! I am sad that you didn't get to see Barack. By the way, if you get a chance get the Dvd of Beloved. It was so powerful.especially having been raised by people who were Southerners to the core and were alway regretting past glory. It brought the struggle and the horror of slavery home to me in such a telling way.
comment by elderjane on Apr 10, 2008 11:16 AM ()
You've been more than busy! What a lot of work!!! I know that it's necessary to burn the grass around you... if more people did it around here, we wouldn't have so much worry when the wildfire season starts... and it will. You should go see Barack. And take your camera. Do they allow cameras? Well, if they do, imagine what you could be posting here! It would be a memorable experience. Guess he'll be somewhat tired. It's been a long campaign season. But, I'm sure he would still be on his game. Yes, definitely go...
comment by sunlight on Apr 10, 2008 12:17 AM ()
You are probably home from your day's travels by now, so hope all went well. Congratulations on your productive week, especially your gardening planting and the firing of your prairie grass acres. In no time, happy green shoots will be sprouting all over the place!
comment by marta on Apr 9, 2008 5:19 PM ()
You should go.. a chance in a lifetime and something more to blog about. I am dieing to hear about it so go for me!
comment by frogfenatic on Apr 9, 2008 1:47 PM ()
You burned your prairie grass?! That must've been tough to watch. But it'll be back in no time...
comment by looserobes on Apr 9, 2008 7:43 AM ()
I didn't realize you have to get tickets to see the
presidential candidates. If you went, you gotta tell
us about it.
comment by susil on Apr 9, 2008 7:03 AM ()
You have been busy!! You didn't start the fire of your neighbor's house, did you? You be careful burning; it can get away from you. The hill is so windy that I live on that we must be very careful when burning. Stay safe on your trip today!
comment by angiedw on Apr 9, 2008 6:40 AM ()

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