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Fashion & Style > Do Blue Jeans Make the Man?

Do Blue Jeans Make the Man?

Summer shorts are washed and put away. It's blue jean time.

I have about six "presentable" pairs of jeans. (Why they're referred to as "pairs", I don't know.) I also have 3-4 "ratty" pairs, not to be worn in public.

Another five or so jean-like pants hang in my closet, but they stay at home. Then there are the dozen "nice pants"--my old school trousers of different colors and styles. They should go to Goodwill.

So here we are. It's not exactly a dilemma, but cause for a major decision: what to wear "to town"?

Of course, that decision depends on where, exactly, one is going. For the most part, there is no doubt as to the bottom line--definitely blue jeans. But, WHY?

My explanation is because everybody wears them. It's the dress (if you will) of the times. In today's society, jeans are acceptable anywhere--restaurants, airports, the mall, you name it. Wearing something other than blue jeans elicits weird looks (or perhaps it's my imagination).

Many older men don't wear jeans (i.e., my father), and guess what? They're categorized as "old men"! I don't want that moniker. So, I am "forced" to wear jeans. I'm independent, but not a seeker of attention.

I must admit, the wearing of denim does something to my personality. I become John Wayne or James Dean. I'm one tough hombre, one cool dude. I'm shopping at Rural King with my mean jeans! Don't mess with me.

Sure, my jeans feel tight, especially in the crotch area. Can't be wearing those baggy teen-gang jeans. I'd be much more comfortable in my old cotton pants. You gotta sacrifice something.

Another dilemma for when I go to town next: which pair do I wear? Dark, faded, one knee hole, frayed cuff, flared, dusty? And what belt? And shoes? Oh, the decisions!

posted on Oct 18, 2012 5:43 AM ()


Too funny! I wear jeans often, as you say, it's not normal to wear anything else. But skinny, boot cut, flared, low rise, super low rise, dark, faded, cheap, expensive? So many choices.
comment by crazylife on Oct 21, 2012 10:15 PM ()
If I blogged about everything that pops into my mind, I'd be writing full time! Wish I could read your blogs.
reply by solitaire on Oct 22, 2012 4:57 AM ()
The older I get, the more comfort means to me.
comment by maggiemae on Oct 21, 2012 2:22 PM ()
Around the house, comfort is priority #1! And I'm a slob.
reply by solitaire on Oct 22, 2012 4:54 AM ()
I am all about comfort.
Jeans are a go too, but so are cargo pants if you ask me. Although I guess they are a bit more casual...
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 20, 2012 9:30 AM ()
Like I said, I'm not sure about the comfort. Style is important, even at my age!
reply by solitaire on Oct 21, 2012 5:17 AM ()
Ok, you finally succeeded in making me laugh out loud. What a dilemma! Wish I could help!
comment by dragonflyby on Oct 19, 2012 9:37 AM ()
As they say, laughter is good medicine. Glad to oblige.
reply by solitaire on Oct 20, 2012 5:24 AM ()
My daDDy haz 20 pairz of Wranglers, some old, some new. Most of them have holes frum claws. MOL
comment by hobbie on Oct 19, 2012 4:19 AM ()
MOL--meow out loud? I figure your daddy to be a jeans type guy. Question: Do the jeans make the man, or, the man makes the jeans?
reply by solitaire on Oct 19, 2012 5:04 AM ()
I have been wearing jeans since I was a teenager. Since I have been retired, my wardrobe is shorts and t-shirts in the summer and jeans and sweatshirts in the winter. I have no skirts or dresses any more.
comment by boots586 on Oct 18, 2012 4:28 PM ()
I even gave about 10 sweaters to a church "mission" drive. Time to clean out the closet and dressers.
reply by solitaire on Oct 19, 2012 5:02 AM ()
Today I'm wearing an intermediate pair. Tomorrow, for a planning committee meeting of 4C Camp for Adults I'll be wearing a better pair, same for the AA group anniversary dinner on Saturday night. It's just a matter of picking the appropriate amount of blueness.
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 18, 2012 7:54 AM ()
At least your decision is a small matter of color, perhaps age, of jeans.
reply by solitaire on Oct 19, 2012 5:00 AM ()
Where I live, all men wear jeans all the time, for every occasion. If the situation is "formal," such as a meeting of the town council, a wedding, or a funeral, they usually will don their CLEAN jeans, but not always. During the summer, when I often wear shorts, I stand out like a foreigner. But jeans are both heavy and hot, so my Florida GENES trump regular JEANS.
comment by steve on Oct 18, 2012 7:36 AM ()
What can I say? Jeans are ubiquitous throughout the U.S.A and the world. I think in some countries, you could trade your jeans for a bar of gold!
reply by solitaire on Oct 19, 2012 4:59 AM ()
Ed wears jeans maybe once a year and only when doing yard work. His day-to-day non-dress attire is chinos. Now that he is meeting with different people (nursing home staff, judges, lawyers) as part of his guardian duties, he wears tailored slacks, izod shirts and blazers. It is a very elegant look and he doesn't give a hoot about non-New York city types who think looking elegant is "old". He also has really upscale suits for court dates. The teens around here and elsewhere, wear stuff that is cheap-ornate, flounces, ruffles, flip-flops, etc., and unless they have drop-dead bodies (and so few do anymore, no matter what age), they look crappy. Them's me thoughts.
comment by tealstar on Oct 18, 2012 6:54 AM ()
I say good for Ed. I was disgusted to see several men wearing jeans at a very nice dinner at the Country Club. I refused to take my father because he was wearing sweat pants! I'm still a little old fashioned.
reply by solitaire on Oct 19, 2012 4:56 AM ()

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