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Life & Events > Boring > Triple Milled Soap

Triple Milled Soap

I like to shop at T.J. Maxx. For those of you not familiar with that store, I would describe it as a place to find nicer “name-brand” items at discounted prices. I would even go so far as to say, you can find unique stuff there too.

Most of the store inventory is name brand clothing. I’m not really into clothes (or name brand anything) It’s the small amount of luxurious bath products and few home goods isles that draw me in.

I love to smell all the lotions, fragrances and soaps. I’m forever tipping the bottles and boxes upside down to see if the price is reasonable. The prices, even at a discount, are rarely reasonable, in my opinion.

But every once in great while, when they have done their seasonal markdowns, I will actually find something at a good price and buy it.

About a year ago, I saw a lovely purple box of Lavender triple milled soap. The box was covered in a fleur de lis pattern and had a satin ribbon tab for opening. Over the two bars of soap sat a piece of vellum paper, claiming the soap to be hand made of the finest natural ingredients. When I turned this beauty of a box over, the red markdown sticker, on the bottom, read $2.00. “Mine” I exclaimed loud enough for everyone to hear as I gently placed the treasure in my cart.

Oh how I have loved this box of triple milled soap (whatever triple milled means). I’ve opened it often throughout the year to take in the scent of lavender. I enjoy the way it sounds when I lift the lid up by it’s regal lavender ribbon. The bars are embossed with “Fior di Campo” (again… whatever that means… sounds fancy)

I have been saving this special box of soap for almost a year. It has graced my dresser, my vanity and the bathroom counter at different times through out the past months.

I never intended to actually use the soap. I just wanted to “have” the soap.

Dare to use one of the special triple milled lavender $1.00 bars of soap? Oh, I couldn’t… I’m saving them.

Saving them for what?? Am I leaving them to one of my girls when I die? (I wouldn’t bother leaving them to my son since he has shown himself to have no use for soap ;)

Today, when I went to shower, I noticed the bar soap, on the soap dish, was only a sliver so I went in the linen closet to get another bar.

We’re out of bar soap….

We’re out of bar soap, except for the special triple milled lavender soap in the regal looking box.

Can I shower without soap? I think NOT!

So, I reluctantly took out a bar of my special soap for the shower. It was difficult for me. I was saving that soap.

But, I’m OK now. The soap was really creamy and smelled delicious. I may actually use the other bar sometime, though highly doubtful.

posted on July 20, 2008 1:30 AM ()


I am so much the same way. I have a little shelf underneath my sink where all kinds of bathroom treasures sit... I've slowly started allowing myself to use them.
comment by mellowdee on July 22, 2008 10:16 AM ()
I think all of us are a bit silly - silly, because I too have bottles and bars of special stuff that I was saving. Saving for what? It was meant to be enjoyed! I just this year started using some of this stuff. Feels luxurious, which is just how it is supposed to feel.
comment by dragonflyby on July 21, 2008 9:05 AM ()
Old Sister gave me a bar of olive oil soap (for my birthday) that she bought in Italy. It smelled like....uh.....olive oil. I use it because it makes my skin feel soooo soft and DH doesn't mind me stepping out of the shower smelling like a Greek salad.
comment by nittineedles on July 20, 2008 8:04 PM ()
It makes me wonder why you'd want to use 'Lavendar' soap in the bath/shower since it is known for it's effective sleeping properties lol - you don't want to fall asleep in the tub do you!. Don't use it after 5pm. Now go and buy some lemon soap, it'll keep you living longer
comment by lynnie on July 20, 2008 3:55 PM ()
Okay, this post had me blushing and giggling because that is so me, too! I just bought a four dollar bar of soap from a local soap maker...I love the stuff but it's a real treat...and I haven't been able to bring myself to use it yet....
comment by janetk on July 20, 2008 1:05 PM ()
I have had soaps like that too that I STILL haven't used!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 20, 2008 8:05 AM ()
If you ever go to the south of France, tour the Rhone River valley north of the Riviera. They grow Lavender there. The hills are covered in the colors. It is absolutely beautiful.
comment by jondude on July 20, 2008 7:09 AM ()
fior di campo is 'flowers of the field.' It means "wildflowers."
comment by jondude on July 20, 2008 6:39 AM ()
Lavender soap is one of my favorites, such a wonderful fragrance. My mother used to keep some of her lavender soap in the her lingerie drawer and some in with the towels. I loved the smell.

Now I got curious, and here is the scoop about what "triple milled" soap means:
Triple milled soap (also called French milled soap) is a commercial process where soap is made, dried into crystals, then rolled three or more times through steel rollers. This repeated milling crushes the crystals turning them into a fine paste. This paste is then pressed and formed into bars. Removing glycerin from the soap is necessary to keep the soap from being too sticky and adhering to the rollers. French/Triple milled soap means that all soap bars will be identical with no variations in color and texture.
comment by marta on July 20, 2008 1:48 AM ()

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