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That's All She Wrote

Life & Events > The $285.00 T-shirt

The $285.00 T-shirt

My husband has a favorite T-Shirt.

Wait a minute…

My husband has MANY favorite T-Shirts. He has a bunch of IT (Information Technologies) shirts that he gets through the work he does. He’s got a bunch of Detroit sports T-Shirts. He has two large dresser drawers devoted to nothing but T-Shirts, but I digress.

One of the T-shirts he wears a lot is the $285.00 T-shirt.

A couple of summers ago a group of our friends and family flew out to Las Vegas to vacation together. Although we enjoy staying at the Treasure Island, we often find ourselves down at a little joint called O’Shea’s. It’s this Irish themed casino right in the heart of strip, located somewhere between The Flamingo and Bally’s. They always have drink specials and you can play Black Jack there for $5.00 a hand.

This particular summer, O’Shea’s was running a promotion for Black Jack players. If you got a same suit Black Jack, you got a really cool O’Shea’s T-shirt. The shirt says “I got lucky at O’Shea’s” pictured with this cute rockin leprechaun on it.

Well… don’t you know, I won “my” T-shirt within an hour of playing on the first day we were there. My husband and I stayed to play Black Jack for hours that day, hoping that he could win a T-Shirt too. He didn’t. So we went back the next day. My husband had plenty of Black Jack’s… just no same suited Black Jack hands.

He wanted a T-Shirt in the worst way. You couldn’t buy them. They weren’t for sale. You had to win one. I offered to give him mine. (I don’t really wear T-Shirts anyway) Nope… he wasn’t having that. It’s not the same as winning one. He was becoming obsessed. Would somebody please get this guy a damn shirt already!

Jesus H. Christ… $285.00 later, he won his T-Shirt.

Thank God!

He wears his shirt to death. The other day, he wanted to wear it to a friends house for dinner, but when he went to put it on, I noticed a stain on the front.

“Sorry, honey… you can’t wear that shirt today. I can get the stain out with a bleach stick, but not before we have to leave.”

Oh my Gosh… poor guy. He was bumming.

I let him wear mine ; )

posted on July 19, 2008 7:22 AM ()


Wow! That's like those games at the carnival... you spend $100 to "win" a $2.00 toy
comment by mellowdee on July 22, 2008 10:11 AM ()
I know exactly what you are talking about - we went on a $4000 'free' cruise sponsored by the Venetian in March. The $4000 was what Mr. Troutbend lost in the ship's casino. There is another promotion where if you earn 200,000 casino points you 'earn' another 'free' cruise. He agreed with me that he'd probably lose the price of a cruise in the process, so hopefully he meant it and isn't going to try.
comment by troutbend on July 21, 2008 10:33 AM ()
comment by janetk on July 20, 2008 1:08 PM ()
Thank God he won one. You might still be there!
comment by marta on July 19, 2008 1:13 PM ()
Hey, if you start selling his excess t-shirts on ebay, let me know. Gotta get that $285 back somehow!
comment by jjoohhnn on July 19, 2008 8:21 AM ()
men... that is soooo funny!!! I hope you get the stain out!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 19, 2008 8:20 AM ()
I hope that's one quality shirt
comment by ducky on July 19, 2008 7:31 AM ()

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