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That's All She Wrote

Parenting & Family > Motherhood > Stepmama Drama!

Stepmama Drama!

I have avoided posting, in detail, the fact that my children's Step mom has been trying to have a child of her own with my ex-husband. (She has no children).

The go of it has been unsuccessful for them for at least of couple of years now.

Not that it is any of my business, I personally, along with many others, do not believe that my ex-husband actually wants any more children. He had 3 at one time, stopped talking to the oldest, has no idea how many times the middle one wants to walk away from him ... so, why would he really want to attempt his fate with more? I'm sure he "goes along" with his 2nd wife's desire and need to have a child between them, because... gee... what else can he do? Besides, if the child care responsibilities are anything like they were when I was married to him, she'll be doing most of the work, but I digress...

His 2nd wife has a "hostile uterus" as she herself has exclaimed the doctor's told her in one of her blog posts.


A hostile uterus??

Go figure, right??

Could it possibly be the cortisol that obviously runs through her veins from the constant stress she brings on herself, by trying to pretend I don't exist or ever slept with the man she is now married too???

She actually blamed me once for her inability to get pregnant, in yet another blog post, because I referenced the church I married my ex-husband in at one of my daughters volleyball games when my daughter was playing that very Catholic school. (Next time, don't sit so close to me biotch and you won't have to eavesdrop on my conversations that aren't with you in the first place)

There I go again straying from the point of the post ... sorry.

Anyway, they/she tried everything, including in vitro as recently as July 4th of this year and apparently, the three eggs implanted, did not "stick".

I honestly do not take any pleasure in her inability to get pregnant. I'm not a hurtful hateful person. I am only interested how "what she does" and "what she says" affects my children. Period.

Unfortunately, my children are in "that house" while their Step mom suffers with her sad news, until tomorrow morning at 9:00am, when I pick them up for their next 9 day vacation with me.

My kids have called me often since they went to their Dad's Wednesday evening with claims of not being able to wait to get back home with me.

"We have so much to tell you Mom when you pick us up on Tuesday. Me and "J" (my son) can't wait to get out of here."

My kids aren't supposed to even know they're trying to have a baby. "They" (ex-husband and Step Mom) haven't discussed it with the children, BUT because of frequent screaming sessions and chats in "the crying room" (the basement where Step Mom goes to vent), used pregnancy tests found in the trash, and overheard phone conversations, my kids started asking me questions a long time ago and they know. DUH!

They know that "their college funds" have been tapped.

They know that "they" (ex-husband & Step Mom) can't afford ANYTHING. At all. Ever. (And that somehow, this is also supposed to be attributed to me, because Jesus H. Christ, ex-hubby had to pay me child support 5 YEARS AGO, when they DROVE the oldest daughter to come live with me full time. They paid child support for 9 months 5 years ago. Are they in debt over that???)

Did I stray again?

I did, didn't I?

So ... I imagine it's been pretty stressful over there at Dad's house this past week.

Understandably so.

Poor kids. I'm sure it's not been much of a summer vacation while having to deal with the trauma over there, yet not having the ability to speak of it or ask questions.

Tune in tomorrow when they spill the beans to me over our 23 mile trip back home ...

posted on July 21, 2008 9:06 AM ()


So, tell us, where is her blog? She sounds so much like my ex's ex-wife, it's uncanny.
comment by catdancer on July 23, 2008 8:39 PM ()
"She's trying to have a baby per her wishes"? What the hell is up with that?! This woman sounds unstable.
comment by mellowdee on July 22, 2008 3:46 PM ()
That's so unfortunate. And the fact that they are tapping your childrens' college fund... unbelievable!
comment by mellowdee on July 22, 2008 10:32 AM ()
oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. If you have that kind of power over a uterus then let me send you some info and see what you can do the my husband's brain. Jang in there..... ex-'s wife have problems sometimes realizing...."Hey, I don't want him anymore.... good luck"... My my my, these young women~
comment by cindy on July 21, 2008 3:34 PM ()
ay ay ay
comment by firststarisee on July 21, 2008 1:10 PM ()
So sad for your kids....
comment by marta on July 21, 2008 11:01 AM ()
I can't say I have ever heard of a hostile uterusI'll be tuning in for the next installment
comment by ducky on July 21, 2008 9:57 AM ()
I love it when you post-stray. Heh.

I guess in a way yer kids are learning how not to be or who to marry when they grow up…

I love the hostile uterus…I keep picturing an egg with a whacking big baseball bat beating the sperm back.
comment by dazeymae on July 21, 2008 9:45 AM ()
what a nightmare... seriously...
And I have heard of a hostile uterus because Charlotte on Sex and the City had one...
I am sorry about what your kids are going through though. That has got to be so hard to hear!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 21, 2008 9:26 AM ()

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