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That's All She Wrote

Parenting & Family > Divorce > What Did She Just Say??

What Did She Just Say??

Five weeks ago, I gave the dates to my ex-husband for my two 9-Day, uninterrupted vacations, that he and I both get during the summer with our kids. These uninterrupted vacations over-rule our normal split custody.

I took my first vacation with the kids a couple of weeks ago.

My second vacation with them starts tomorrow (7/22).

My daughter calls me yesterday (Sunday 7/20) and here is our short conversation.

"I'm forced to call you."

"What's going on?"

"Dad & Chris told me to call you to find out what we're doing on vacation with you."


"Because they want me to go to Volleyball camp. I don't even want to go. It's not through the school. And we're going to be on vacation, right?"

"Well, when is volleyball camp?"


"WHAT? Tomorrow as in day after today????"


"Well, I'm sorry, you'll be unable to go. We will be on vacation then. We're going to CP & SC for a couple of days."

"That's what I told Chris (Step Mom) and she said,
well... your Mom can change her dates on that."


Insert LOUD HYSTERICAL UNCONTROLLABLE laughter here as I try to spit out coherent words in response to that RIDICULOUS statement...

"Ummmmm, *Snort* *ROTF* I am not changing my dates on anything. Have your Father email me if he'd like to discuss it."

"Ok, that's what I'll tell them."

And we hang up.

My ex-husband and his wife are FOREVER signing my kids up for stuff, year round, non stop WITH never a consultation or inquiry to me about it. Even when it interferes with my court ordered parenting time. We have gone back and forth on this for years and I won't go any deeper into that drama today, but lets just say, that I am very accommodating to my children's' sports schedules because it's something my kids want to do. I adjust my schedule for my children.

I have let my ex-husband know that I will happily cooperate with schedule adjustments so that "J" (our son) can play hockey in the fall/winter and lacrosse in the spring. "S" (our daughter) can play any school sport or be involved with anything through her high school during the school year. BUT there are to be NO COMMITMENTS during the summer. If you choose to sign them up for "stuff" in the summer, they will NOT be available during my court ordered parenting time.

(As a Mother who values time with my kids, family & friends, I don't think it's too much to ask that my children have some "down-time" from constant commitments and continuous weekend games/practices/tournaments for the precious 2 1/2 months of summer vacation)

Did I not give him/them 5 weeks notice on this vacation?
Do they have their heads so far up their a$$'s in attempts to produce yet another child to neglect, that they can't manage to mention "volleyball camp" a little sooner than TWO DAYS BEFORE IT STARTS??? HELLLLLOOOOOOOOO???????

We could have switched our plans with proper notice. My husband took 3 days off of work this week. We are NOT changing our plans with two days notice because they don't have their crap together. DUH!!

What NERVE! I can't even believe that Biotch had the hormonal balls to say "well... your Mom can change her dates on that."

But then again, I can.

You gotta almost feel sorry for the crazy woman. Poor thing. She can't control what we do on our time and it drives her batty.

So my daughter called today to tell me her Step Mom's response to us being on vacation at CP & SC.

"Chris said,... well maybe we're not going to pay for you to play volleyball and soccer this year, since you're obviously not committed."


My vacation, planned FIVE WEEKS AGO! has nothing to do with my daughters commitment to her sports.

I am the parent. I made vacation plans with MY kids as I have the RIGHT to do.


God! That Biotch makes me so mad. She's just talking out of her a$$ and is constantly making threatening comments such as that, like the immature baby that she is, just to hurt and assert her power over my kids.

Take your "hostile uterus" and Go to He11!

Cause "we're going on vacation!"

posted on July 21, 2008 5:30 PM ()


Yup, they must be clones...
comment by catdancer on July 23, 2008 8:43 PM ()
Jeez... that sure is complicated! You make some great points, and truly are an amazing woman! I'm sure with your support, your kids will eventually grow to separate their love for their father from the wicked witch he lives with. So sad it has to be this way for now... but I suppose what is life without its challenges and lessons learned?
comment by mellowdee on July 22, 2008 3:49 PM ()
OMG -- That is just infuriating! I'm so sorry that you have to have someone like this interferring in your life. How much longer until all your kids are old enough to make their own choices and cut ties?
comment by mellowdee on July 22, 2008 10:39 AM ()
She is a biotch and he needs to grow some cajones and do what's right for his kids

Enjoy your vacation
comment by firststarisee on July 22, 2008 3:46 AM ()
So I am confused is Joint custody the same as split custody? If not is their someone designated the custodial parent?
comment by mmmhollywould on July 21, 2008 10:40 PM ()
Sooo did he email you?
comment by dazeymae on July 21, 2008 6:22 PM ()
Honestly, I can tell you are fuming mad. But I don't know how you put up with such passive-aggressive, manipulating and juvenile behavior. Using the kids as pawns in this shell game is so destructive and hurtful. No way your kids should be roped into dysfunctional situation. I'm really really sorry.
comment by marta on July 21, 2008 6:08 PM ()
Man that is a lot of strife... I am sorry you hafta deal with!!! Geez... it seems ridiculous!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 21, 2008 5:58 PM ()
Ok..time for some nice Ice Tea in a nice cool place till the steam stops coming outta your head.. Just trying to get a smile hun...I do understand..when my ex had visitation rights we went thru that. (HE doesn't anymore)..
comment by elfie33 on July 21, 2008 5:57 PM ()
You wanna buy a 'big' flarging Gun! Urgh people like that drive me insane sum!
Enjoy your vacation and make sure you buy something equaly as insane as you holiday for the 'Chris person'. eww!
Have a good time for me though kk
comment by lynnie on July 21, 2008 5:56 PM ()

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