I picked up my kids this morning from their Dad's house. They've been with him and their Step Mom for the last 5 days. (They'll be with me and Step Dad (their other Dad, they call him) for the next 9 days.)
A conversation ensues as soon as I back out of ex's driveway.
Daughter - "Friday was the best day of my life. Chris (Step Mom) was having a complete melt down. She was throwing things, screaming and swearing."
Me - "How does that become the best day of your life?"
Daughter - "Because Dad finally yelled back at her. He told her she was self-centered and that he was sick of her melt downs and tantrums. He said that she thinks of no one else, but herself."
Wow! Hallelujah! Their Father is finally standing up to her. It's about freaking time!
He may actually NOT loose his kids if he can manage to retrain his 2nd wife on the proper way to behave and treat him and his children.
There's a favorite line that Dr. Phil always says and that is:
"You treat people how to treat you."
It's so true.!
Everyone's been walking on egg shells around Step Mom for so long now. Nobody wants to put her in her place or call her out because she's trying to have a baby and can't. Oh well... sorry about that. I honestly am. But you can't just be a witch forever because life didn't go the way you wanted it to.
And my ex-husband can't allow his wife to do and say mean things to our children because she is hurting over the cards she was dealt. He can't sacrifice our children because she is on hormones. I'm sure his wife isn't screaming, swearing and throwing things at her place of work. That wouldn't be allowed. But she's been able to get away with horrible behavior in her own home for so long and hopefully it will get better now.
Anyway... the kids are here now. They are excited about our vacation and are helping each other pack.
The drama is over for us for the next 9 days.
(But not for my ex-husband, I'll bet ... *wink* *wink*)