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That's All She Wrote

Parenting & Family > Divorce > Recent Ridiculous Rant

Recent Ridiculous Rant

Here is yesterday's email that I sent to my ex-husband based on my son's urging.
"D" (my ex-husband),

"C" (Stepmom/Ex-husbands Second wife) has been after Jake (my son) about clothing that she thinks
he has from your house over here at my house. He keeps telling her
there is nothing, but she got after him again this morning. So I have
now gone up to his room and went through every drawer. He has one shirt
that he wore over here last week that he will wear tomorrow back to
your house. That is it. There is nothing else belonging back at your

"C" also argued with Jake just this morning, that the
Penguin Bros blue long sleeve shirt that he wore over to my house today
does not belong over here because it's from Old Navy and she actually
told Jake "Your Mom doesn't shop at Old Navy" LOL. The Penguin Bros
shirt is from my house (not that I care where/when Jake wears it).

Please, can you do something?? This is getting ridiculous.

I honestly find it disturbing that this woman consistently and constantly harrasses my kids about something so petty as their clothing. She's so angry, especially on the days that my kids come back to me after being at their Dad's for his week. She seems to actually pick fights with them or really get on them about the dumbest things.
AND... what???  "Your Mom doesn't shop at Old Navy" How in God's name would SHE know where I shop??  Is she stalking me???
I wonder why she just simply can't leave my kids alone? And I can't help but think there is something chemically or mentally wrong with her??

posted on Dec 10, 2008 3:59 AM ()


A sad state of affairsGood for you for "trying" to sort this out. Hope it works out.
comment by tracy on Dec 16, 2008 11:44 AM ()
Do you think she might be a bit insecure?
comment by grumpy on Dec 14, 2008 10:02 AM ()
There is seriously something wrong with this woman. Seeeriously. She doesn't know how blessed she is to have to deal with someone like you and not a Christmas fruitcake like herself. Could you imagine if you were as petty as she?
comment by mellowdee on Dec 13, 2008 2:23 PM ()
I have the same kind of issues with my exes new lady. My ex recently informed me that he and his new lady had decided to stop paying child-support because they have Rye as much if not more than me. It's actually only Fri-Sun BUT...I understand where she is coming from. Rye is not her baby so having him them for two nights might seem like two weeks. Needless to say after I showed him my very precise calender of days that he is there, he dropped it. But she continues to be petty about things that make no sense....i feel for ya. It does suck for sure.
comment by deborah on Dec 13, 2008 12:31 PM ()
Ugs! Not fun at all!
comment by spicybitch on Dec 12, 2008 12:44 PM ()
Feel for ya.. but "there ya go".. one of the (other) reasons I am mad at "Busymidmichmom" on here! I think I am nice to most, but I know how she is. Sometimes, I can't "contain" saying something. This is a "Blog", it's for saying feelings. Use your "Blog" to get chit off your back! It may/will still be there (In your head), but at least ya said it! LUV.. Gary
comment by coincutter on Dec 11, 2008 10:33 PM ()
Maybe you should start marking everything as to which house it belongs to. It's ridiculous that the kids should keep separate wardrobes for each house.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Dec 10, 2008 4:49 PM ()
Wow sounds Familiar! I go threw the same thing with my poor little Gran daughter..
comment by carrryon on Dec 10, 2008 2:54 PM ()
And this time of the year.No spirit there.
comment by fredo on Dec 10, 2008 9:56 AM ()
One of life's "stinging nettles". Not much you can do but grin and bear it.
comment by solitaire on Dec 10, 2008 6:12 AM ()
ugs. I remember such things with my nephew - it went into toys, clothes etc. what a nightmare!
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 10, 2008 6:12 AM ()
that is just horrible Terri! what is with that woman? why does it matter where the clothes are? good grief. it's going to get to the point where the kids don't want to be over there!
comment by elkhound on Dec 10, 2008 5:03 AM ()

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