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The Front Porch Gazette

Politics & Legal > Today Being Election Day

Today Being Election Day

I decided not to write about who I did(or didn't)vote for, for that serves no purpose whatsoever. No I have decided to write about this process we go through and what we are expecting to happen, if anything. The cynical part of my soul tells me that no matter who we cast our ballot for it's going to be pretty much the same, our lives will continue and the homeless, unemployed person we pass by on the street everyday will still be there tommorrow. I have voted for presidents since 1976, longer then some & shorter then others. One thing in all this voting has taught me is this, a president is only as good as the support he recieves in office. He will only accomplish those tasks that he's allowed to, and most of those will be granted only if some congressman or senators palm gets greased. Still every 4 years I vote, for the good or the bad I will be there at the voting booth ready to cast my vote for democracy. I take my right to vote seriously, and those who don't don't realize what it has cost us to maintain this right that we have. I am not one to pull out my soapbox and shake my fist angrily at the sky to make a point, but it is true that if you decide not to vote don't complain about who takes office in January. But by the same token if our president is not performing up to our expectations then we as Americans have the right to express our opinion.

posted on Nov 6, 2012 9:16 AM ()


goes to show at thev fiscal edge thet reach aggreemenr, now its thev 450.000 earners that pay more tax
comment by kevinshere on Jan 1, 2013 2:39 PM ()
am watching the election broadcast on out tv 2.25 pm , obama is looking good , we should know if what they are saying is true by 3pm
comment by kevinshere on Nov 6, 2012 7:57 PM ()
Well said sir. I think a lot can change though, especially in the line of Women's rights, therefore voting means A LOT to me since my whole world can change.
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 6, 2012 10:33 AM ()
Hi,Tim.Thanks for stopping by and enjoyed the post very much.
Your right whoever is in office they better do something fast and no double talk.

We have so many homeless and people in poverty and yes it will be the same as this will not do much.Did anyone talk about this?All I hear that they will cut funding for planned parenthood etc.This is only one of them.So nice to see you here.How have you been doing there?
comment by fredo on Nov 6, 2012 9:35 AM ()
An election? When? Where? What is it all about? This is news to me!!!

Voted last week and will be in the theatre seeing "Million Dollar Quartet" while the counting is going on--by the time I get out all the States should have closed their polling places and I will come home to see the outcome IF Florida (or another State) doesn't mess up again and even if they do will either man contest the vote?
comment by greatmartin on Nov 6, 2012 9:33 AM ()
A choice between *2* candidates is better than no choice at all. But service to one's country isn't what it was in the beginning. A man (yes, man) would run for office, do his bit, then return to his private business. So now we have campaign finance that the candidates can refuse and spend a billion dollars between them (the two of them). Something went wrong along the ways...
comment by jjoohhnn on Nov 6, 2012 9:26 AM ()

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