Saw some daffodils in bloom today. That's a sure sign that Spring is just around the corner. Of course, that's a sure sign that we are going to have at least one more Winter blast to cause us to drag out the heavy coats and fuss or cuss about the weather.
Saw a couple of deer while on a drive through the valley of Lookout Mountain. Thankfully I saw them in time to avoid having a deer head mounted on the front of my car. Those things can cause considerable damage to your car...not to mention the deer!
Saw a big ole ground hog ambling on the side of the road. Hopefully he will get the message that he is a GROUND hog, not a ROAD hog! (See message for the deer. Same applies to the Ground Hog!)
Time for Mz Scarlett to grab a sweet tea, a few magnolia blooms and settle out on the deck for a little meditation time before settin' in for the night.
Keeping ahead of the Wind...