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Life & Events > One Week

One Week

Believe it or not I was actually HAPPY to come to work today.  If I had to sit in that house with honey one more day I would have killed her.

Maybe quitting smoking at the same time was not such a good idea.
We did get a lot of things done though.  Friday night, we moved around our closet room.  The house we live in is very old with tiny closets so we use a whole room as a closet.  Then Saturday we spent the day outside winterizing the yard.  She was very bitchy all day and snapped at me about everything.  I was a total wreck afraid to even talk to her.  Then I picked up my diet Pepsi and took a swig and I guess the bee that was having a good ol time in there wasn't happy about me trying to drink him and stung the roof of my mouth. 


It was enough to send me into a bawling fit.  Even when the sting didn't hurt anymore I couldn't stop crying.  At least when honey sees me cry she is nice.  I hardly ever cry and when I do, I don't let people see so when I cry, it freaks people out. 

Then yesterday, we were both so bored.  We didn't have any money to do anything and the few friends that were doing anything were at a bar.  The one place we should not be at least for a few months.  So we just watched TV and bitched at each other all day. 

But we didn't give in.  Today is one week.  7 whole days without a cigarette. 

$25 dollars saved.  $50 if you count honey's cigarettes too. 

Oh and since we are not drinking too that's another $50 - $60 a week.

If we can manage to stay together through this we plan to take the money and go on a trip together.  Or maybe separate.  LOL

posted on Sept 15, 2008 10:24 AM ()


One day at a time kid! It's worth it!!!! Trust me on this one! Stick with it, and you'll be SO GLAD that you did! I used to smoke 3 packs a day, and then on May 5, 1982, I smoked my last cigarette ever. 26 years!!! The best thing I ever did for myself. And if I can do it, so can you!
comment by hayduke on Sept 23, 2008 9:57 AM ()
You are making good progress on your non-smoking. Keep it up and good luck.
comment by stiva on Sept 22, 2008 8:25 AM ()
Wow...heroic of luck!
comment by strider333 on Sept 15, 2008 1:47 PM ()
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 15, 2008 12:34 PM ()
Oh my Golly! That does not sound the least bit fun at ALL! Kudos to you both for hanging in there! It should get better??
comment by shesaidwhat on Sept 15, 2008 12:10 PM ()
Lord, no drinking or the same time! I'd have given up one for a while, gotten use to it and then the other! That's tough
comment by teacherwoman on Sept 15, 2008 11:04 AM ()

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