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Life & Events > I Usually Have the Worse Luck!

I Usually Have the Worse Luck!

Once when I was in High School, I was at a Basketball game and they were doing a raffle for a Boom Box.  You remember those right?  Those big ass radio's with the dual cassette decks and large speakers.  And if you were real cool you carried it on your shoulder.

Well I bought 1 ticket and decided the money would go to a good cause at least.  Then half time comes up and they pull the name out of the bowl and say my name.  It took a minute to register that it was ME they were calling. Mostly because someone was screaming so loud I couldn't think straight.  Then I realized it was me screaming and all my friends were pushing me out of the bleachers to go claim my prize.

That was way over 20 years ago and I have not won ANYTHING since.  I figured that silly little boom box was my one time win and it was now impossible to win something again.

So Monday I was driving to work and the radio station I listen to announced a contest called Free Friday Flyaway.  The winner gets all expenses paid trip to Vegas for a Gavin Degraw concert. 

I got to work and logged onto the site and went to Contest page and there was no mention of any such thing.  So I waited until Tuesday and looked again.  Once more there was no mention on Free Friday Flyaway.  But I kept hearing it on the radio so On Wednesday when it still wasn't there I emailed them and said "hey what's up with that?  It's not on your web page?"  They didn't answer me but yesterday when I checked there it was..... and it said you could enter as many times as you liked. 

I finished my work and started registering over and over and over and over and over.... you get the point.  I am sure I entered well over a 100 times.  I texted honey and told her that I was bored at work so I was entering radio contest all day.  She said "why, you never win anything..." well it's still fun.

So I get off work and I'm driving home and my friend text me to see if we are walking cause we had made an exercise commitment together and I text back saying we will be there.  Then I notice I had a voice mail.  Sometimes my phone doesn't ring if I'm in the middle of a text.  So I listen to the voice mail and it's the radio station asking me to call them back.  So I call right away and the guy tells me I WON the trip to VEGAS!!!! 

Can you believe it? 
And the cool thing is that Honey has never been on an airplane or been to Vegas so it will be 2 first for her.  I am more excited for her.  Here is the conversation we had when I called her right after.


Me:  Hi

Honey:  Hi, what's up?

Me:  Well Debbie texted and wanted to make sure we were walking today.

Honey:  Yeah, I am ready we can go when you get here.

Me: Okay I will be home soon.  Oh and while I was on the phone texting her I got a voice mail. 
Honey:  And...

Me:  Well you know how I was so bored today at work and I was entering that contest over and over?
Honey:  WHAT?

Me:  Well it was the radio station manager.

Honey:  Don't tell me you won?!!


Honey:  WHAT?  YOUR LYING!!!
Me:  I'm not lying I WON!!! Can you believe it?  WERE GOING TO VEGAS BABY!!!!!

Honey:  Are you telling me the truth?  Your lying.

Me:  Why would I lie about that?  That would just be cruel.

Me:  I REALLY WON!!! Were going to see Gavin Degraw in concert!!
Honey:  Who's Gavin Degraw?

Me:  {Sigh}  Who Cares? 

posted on Oct 3, 2008 7:37 AM ()


Congratulations!!! That's soooo awesome!!! I love the last line too...
"Honey: Who's Gavin Degraw?"
"Me: {Sigh} Who Cares?"
I don't know who Gavin Degraw is either.
comment by mellowdee on Oct 9, 2008 11:46 AM ()
The BEACH? You know the water is freezing cold here, right?

Well, okay, not freezing but about 50-60deg F.
comment by stiva on Oct 6, 2008 11:33 AM ()
This is SO exciting!!!!!! Good for you!!!!!! Las Vegas for FREE!!!!
comment by hayduke on Oct 6, 2008 10:16 AM ()
How long are you in town? Are you going to have time to do touristy things or just fly in for the concert and out again?
comment by stiva on Oct 6, 2008 8:04 AM ()
This is not sour grapes:
I was offered free tickets a number of times but i never accepted them.
I'll look out for part 2 of your story.
Blessings to you honeys.
comment by andrewtungsk on Oct 5, 2008 1:35 PM ()
comment by angiedw on Oct 4, 2008 3:00 AM ()
LOL I never heard of any of them. You're going to be in my neck of the woods then.
comment by stiva on Oct 3, 2008 3:32 PM ()
San Francisco now but I like that better!!!! We live close enough to Vegas here we can drive but I have never been out of the airport at San Fran so this is way better!!!
comment by meranda on Oct 3, 2008 2:38 PM ()
"Honey: Who's Gavin Degraw?"
"Me: {Sigh} Who Cares?"

LOL (I don't know either)
comment by stiva on Oct 3, 2008 2:15 PM ()
Whooo Deee Whooo. Congratulations. Off to Vegas
comment by stiva on Oct 3, 2008 2:15 PM ()
Wow! That is so cool!
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 3, 2008 8:25 AM ()

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