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Life & Events > Just a Quick Post

Just a Quick Post

I love Summer.  I mean LOOOOOVE summer.  I look forward to it all winter,  I imagine the nights on my patio with a cold beer and the sounds of children playing in the neighborhood.  Camping in the mountains.  Playing at the Lake.  Hiking the trails.  It keeps me sane during the cold months.


BUT - the one thing I HATE about summer is the fact that I have to FREEZE everywhere I go!!! I mean do we really have to keep the office at a frosty 64 just because it's over 90 outside?  Does the theatre need to have icicles coming off the chairs?  Do you think they get the hint when I show up in July to watch a movie with my winter coat on?  Why can't we just enjoy the warmth?  It won't be here for long and we will be freezing again all winter.  Even my honey keeps the house at a colder than cold temperature.  If it were up to me, the house would only have the air conditioner on when I'm not in it!!! The only time I get to enjoy the heat is when I drive alone and can just roll my windows down. 


Anyway - happy Summer everyone!!! 

posted on July 29, 2008 9:39 AM ()


It sounds as if you like warmth! I like icicles hanging off the ceiling! I really like winter more because it's cooler. I never wear sweaters in the supermarket or in theaters (well, I don't go to theaters any more). Most of the winter I don't need more than a light sweater, if I need one at all... But, then it doesn't snow here either.
comment by sunlight on Aug 11, 2008 2:11 PM ()
I can relate this is 1000% especially driving alone with the windows down enjoying the heat!
comment by jennrud on July 30, 2008 9:54 PM ()
OMG! I know. I hate having to bring a coat or sweater because it's freezing inside anywhere I go.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 30, 2008 6:57 AM ()
I couldn't agree more! I have a blanket wrapped around my legs at the office today.
comment by mellowdee on July 29, 2008 1:01 PM ()
I'll just stay in the air conditioned buildings.
comment by nittineedles on July 29, 2008 10:44 AM ()
I so know what you mean about how some places keep the air conditioning running to high! It is actually bad for people's health to do it.
comment by lunarhunk on July 29, 2008 9:52 AM ()
You would freeze in our office.. One of the ladies that shares our building walks around with her sweater on all day. The rest of us think it's fine.
comment by elfie33 on July 29, 2008 9:50 AM ()

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