But honestly, since I have no idea where on earth to begin, I figure the easiest way is to start with some pictures.
Ready? Here we go...
Vienna is apparently famous for all its cafes... there seems to be one on every corner -- and then some.

It seems that pretty much every building is just super elaborate. (At least in the neighbourhoods that we were wandering. We were only there for a day n' a half.)

An amazing church far too big to capture.

Just to give you an idea, here is the pulpit mid-way through the amazing church. No picture could ever do this place justice.

Here I am, holding up my first gelato of the trip... with many, many more to follow.

This was one of the pieces of artwork in our hotel... No special story, I just think this picture is funny.

The eve of our wedding, we went to a fancy Mozart Dinner Concert at St. Peter's Stiftskiller -- the oldest restaurant in Central Europe, dating back to 803 AD, when it was run by Monks. I think we were easily the youngest people there, aside from a couple of the performers.

I love the look of melting candles, but couldn't help but wonder, how the heck to these people get all the wax out of their tableclothes night after night?

Our Wedding Day (in Salzburg)
I thought I would fall backwards out that open window when they asked me to prop myself up into it. Wedding dresses weren't made for hopping or propping.

People seem to like this picture, but the truth is, we were cheesing until our cheeks hurt.

Our photographer wanted J to put the garter in his teeth... but he didn't go for it. Looking at this picture really makes me wish I could tan. I seem to just go from transparent to white.

I guess I'm the straight man in this picture... I didn't realize that J was trying to imply that the cherub was my baby.

I think this is a neat picture.

These were our witnesses. The lady on the left was also our coordinator's assistant, so she helped us out a lot!

We felt a little ridiculous with this grand organ music echoing through the hall for just the two of us.

This is the Marbel Hall at Mirabell Palace where we got married. Kinda extravagant considering I always imagined that I'd get married barefoot on a beach... and yet, it far more affordable than if we had a wedding here at home (when you consider all the guests n' whatnot.)

Here we are on the angel staircase.

That unicorn was damn slippery. I was hanging on to its mane for dear life...

Are you getting sick of looking at wedding pictures yet? I know I am... But just a few more. I'm showing you this picture because right behind us are the stairs that the kids sing Do Rae Me on in the Sound of Music.

A lot of people thoughout Mirabell Gardens wished us well and wanted to take our pictures, or have their photo taken with us (which was really odd.)

Okay, two more...

And, last one... This is our horse n' carriage that took us through town for a 45 minute ride after the wedding. It was quite nice, but a little awkward as we totally felt like we were on parade. I know I felt especially exposed once the driver stopped and took the carriage roof off. We went down many narrow traffic-free streets and people everywhere were waving to us and cheering. I felt like Santa Claus... or more appropriately, Cinderella with Prince Charming. We really should've been throwing candy.

Okay, whew... that's it for the wedding pictures. We have 300 so it makes it hard to choose which ones make the cut.
Alright, now back to Salzburg.
Salzburg is home to Mozart, and everyone loves his chocolate balls...

This is a fancy shopping street in the old part of Salzburg, where everyone has an iron sign....

Even the golden arches! We also noticed that the Mc D's had orchids and candles on every table. Interesting, no?

Hooray for pretzels!

The house where Mozart grew up. We somehow walked right past it the first time.

Here we are on the evening of our wedding after doing some serious sight seeing and souvinere shopping for our families n' close friends. We figured that we would buy souvineres for everyone in Salzburg since it's where we got married, and then we wouldn't have to worry about it for the rest of our trip.

Next stop -- Venice!
But I think I'll take a break for now, and stop boring you with this endless slideshow. I'll be back later.