It was raining like mad when we got there, so our first souvenirs were two cheap plastic ponchos and an umbrella.

Finally it cleared up for a very brief bit -- just long enough for J to have his picture taken next to the gondolas which it was too wet and cold to go on....

And for me to have my picture taken next to one of the many interesting canals.

And here is another picture of a canal...

Oh look, and even more canals!

Mmm... and more gelato. (Even though it was probably too wet and cold for gelato, J thought it might lift our spirits.)

Mmm... and more wine! (I thought wine might help lift our damp spirits even more...)

The next morning the rain cleared up just long enough for us to leave town, so we opted to enjoy a nice leisurely walk to the train station instead of taking the water taxi along the main canal (as seen in this picture.)

On our way to the train station we passed all kinds of street vendors selling masks.

Only a couple hours later and we were discovering the city of Verona. In the middle of town there is a big castle, with a moat.

The castle also has a bridge that stretches out across the water.

Inside the castle was a museum with all kinds of religious art and artifacts.

There were also a couple forbidden staircases.

Here is J looking out on to the courtyard.

And me looking out on to the water.

We went walking down these marble streets. It almost felt like we were in a shopping mall with all the lit up storefronts on either side.

This is a cool collesium that we couldn't go inside because there was a concert going on.

And here is Juliet's balcony.

But because it was the evening, we couldn't get up close as it was blocked off by a large gate. The walls just inside the gate, and the gate itself, neighbouring buildings and street signs are all covered with lovers' names and love notes.

Okay, and so our next stop will be Interlaken, Switzerland... but that will have to wait for now.